Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Catching you up…

First off to all of you that worked secretly to make this an awesome day as I turned 60 in Tanzania, thanks so much!!!! That was some good sneaking around and we won’t call this sneaking, sin! Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha Really, the cards have been so sweet and funny! I have loved it! Didn’t realize some of you were so creative!!

The team went out yesterday two ladies went scuba diving and the rest of us went snorkeling. It was a great day for the team to just relax together, have fun, get to know each other, etc. This morning we did a little shopping because that is what girls like to do for fun, too. However, all the team building and fun will end in about 30 minutes. Ha,ha,,ha,ha. Well, at least the team building part because we probably already know each other more than was intended. Ha,ha,ha The fun will continue!!! We worked this afternoon (Tuesday November 11) on final preparations for the ladies arriving tomorrow. Several of the missionary women have been with us the last two days helping us get to places. But, tomorrow even they will be able to settle in to just receiving from the LORD all that HE has for them. We can’t wait!

Please pray the following for Wednesday. Remember we are 9 hours ahead of you. 
  • Pray for the team as we set up for registration and the conference room for arrival of the ladies.
  • Pray for the missionary women as they prepare to leave their homes, many with husbands being left in charge of children for the 4 days and 3 nights of the retreat. (Just imagine your husband with your kids for that long, all alone and that should tell you how to pray!! Ha,ha,ha,ha)
  • Pray for the conference as it begins tomorrow evening at 4:30 p.m. (8:30 a.m. Central Time in U.S.)
  • Pray for the worship, the messages, the fellowship, the free time, the counseling process, and all the other things the LORD brings to your mind to pray for.

Love you all and thank you for being on this journey with us. I so desire for God to be glorified and the ladies to “find the JOY” of their purpose and journey here afresh!!!


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