Monday, October 25, 2010

Roses Among Thorns....

This past Wednesday I had the privilege of speaking to an organization called “Roses Among Thorns”. It is a group of women that are Cancer Survivors (or as I like to say, “Overcomers through Christ). They meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month for lunch, fellowship, a guest speaker, fun and discussion of opportunities to minister to others.

One of the most precious things I heard spoken among the group that day was when someone shared with me how they network. They are so mindful of each one’s journey.

Some are just recently diagnosed, some are in treatment, some are Survivors, some are barely hanging on to another month. But this group is so awesome! One of the ladies told me, “Recently she called Linda Dickey, Founder ( ) and said, “We have a Rose in trouble!” Maybe she just needs a phone call of encouragement, maybe she needs a visit, maybe a surprise, maybe a call, a card, etc. I love that…..We have a Rose in trouble! Can’t you just see everyone rallying to take care of the Rose - that beautiful flower that gives such a magnificent fragrance!

Could we, as believers, have that kind of passion for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ?! Could we realize that it is tough out there in the world as we travel through the day?! Could we recognize that our brothers and sisters are struggling with finances, jobs, marriages, children, etc.?! Yes, some of them are in trouble! Trouble of the soul - the mind, will and emotions. Can we acknowledge “hey” we have a brother or sister in Christ in trouble and then actually rally to make a call of encouragement, send a note, make a visit, buy their lunch, etc.? Maybe it would help if we could see with the eyes of Christ instead of the eyes of our flesh. What if we saw one another as the absolute work of art of the Almighty Creator of the Universe? What if we actually saw our brothers and sisters as genuine works of art, each work the original? God the Artist! Because that is true you know!!! Would we take better care of one another? Hmmmmm

Let’s try this week to become very aware of the original art that God has allowed to be a part of your life and mine. Be willing to call up a friend and say…..”We have a piece of art work in trouble, let’s rally.” Maybe that piece of art is you, your spouse, your children, your job, your parents, etc. Make the call!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tulsa Taste of Pure Joy Retreat 2010 Cancelled...

As most of you know Pure Joy stepped out in an adventure these past several months after much prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our heart was to minister to women in roles of leadership within church staffs. Our deadline for sign-up was Oct. 15, 2010. That was last Friday night. Our threshold for attendance was no less than 50. (Ok, I had this grandiose idea of no more than 350.) I’m like this eternal optimist!

Our final number was 20 ladies registered by the deadline. Now most people would see that as some kind of “did we miss God syndrome?” May I encourage you with a genuine “No” we didn’t miss God. How do you know you might ask? Because we had peace throughout the process. Col. 3:15 says, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart”. The amplified Bible says, “Let the peace of Christ rule like an umpire”. It is either “in” or “out”! There is no I am sort of “in” His will or sort of “out” of His will. You are either in or out! We were “in” throughout the process. So the outcome wasn’t ours but HIS!

God used this to show us that while He is adding some different arms to the ministry it is in regard to overseas not here in the states. This journey was affirmation of the vision He gave in 1999 for Pure Joy International. So Praise God!!!!! However, do not forget that Pure Joy is an inside out ministry and we do work with churches in the U.S. to accomplish the vision.

I want to encourage you to take time to pray about your involvement in Pure Joy International Ministries. I would be honored to come to your church and communities to share about Pure Joy. I enjoy speaking in your Ladies Retreats at your home churches about whatever your theme or desire for a topic is. I love working with leadership and would love to spend time with your women’s leadership ministry. Any way we at Pure Joy can help connect you to Him and the vision He has laid on our heart to minister to our women overseas gives us great Joy!

Keeping Praying, Giving, and Going! And, as we all know, that will be harder and harder to do in these days and the future. But we have a forerunner….JESUS!

Love you all,


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Deadline Upon Us...

Sign up deadline for the Taste of Pure Joy Retreat in Tulsa, OK November 5-6, 2010 is near. We will stop taking registrations at 11:59 P.M. this Friday Oct. 15th.

Go to for all the information!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


George M. Adam (1878-1962) made the following statement:
"Encouragement is oxygen to the soul."
On Friday Night, November 5th and Saturday, November 6th till 1:00 p.m., Pure Joy International Retreat Ministries is bringing in the “Oxygen” for Pastors’ Wives, Women’s Ministry Directors, Missions Directors and Women serving in Ministry Staff positions. Women in leadership positions become as discouraged as our men do in their desire to be obedient to God’s leading and teachings.

Our hope is that through Drama, Worship, Signing, Testimonies, Small group, and Fellowship we can give some “Oxygen back to your soul!” It’s time to replenish, girls, before another year goes by!

The team that will be ministering to you is made up of women just like you that know what it is like to be on the front line in ministry this side of the ocean. You will not recognize many, if any, of our names but you will recognize the journey that each of us has traveled along the way and you will recognize the power of the name of JESUS!

Please spread the “OXYGEN”. Make the women in your church that fall into the group for this unique opportunity aware of this weekend and tell them how to register by going to and follow the instructions for the Tulsa Retreat on the Home page. Go a step further than that…be willing to sponsor a woman for $35 dollars.

