Weekly comments from Vickie Arruda, founder of Pure Joy International. Keep up to date on what is going on in Vickie's life and the life of the ministry
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
3 Weeks and Counting...
I have been under the weather this past two weeks and ask you to lift my body up in prayer. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. They did a lumpectomy and took out several lymph nodes. In January 2006 I began chemo therapy and finished that in April. In June I began radiation and finished up the end of July.
I laughingly tell my friends I’m dealing with more problems as a result of the chemo and radiation then I ever had to going through the process! Some of that is because I forget my limitations at times. In the spring of this year I took a try at some aerobics offered at our church. The aerobic exercise we did using long rubber bands resulted in me tearing the tissue in my left breast. My surgeon says when this happened, due to the burned up tissue from radiation that all the bacteria in my body threw a party in that one breast! That is one party I wished I had missed!!! The result was that 4 days later I ended up in the hospital for 3 days while they pumped high powered antibiotics into my body by IV and by mouth.
Well, Friday two weeks ago I lifted some bottled water the wrong way and guess what? PARTY TIME!!! Yes, same breast and I think all the same bacteria friends showed up and possibly a few cousins!! Did I tell you I have this problem with forgetting what my limitations are? Ha,ha,ha... Anyway, I was down all last week and have had two serious little visits with the surgeon the past 4 days which have been painful! So painful today in fact, that I think that the procedure did not only help give my breast some relief but I think it might have solidified in my mind that I HAVE LIMITATIONS!!!!
Praise God that He puts people in our lives to help us where we are limited whether it is physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. In conclusion, I would say to you that I used the first incident as an excuse to NEVER do aerobics again and I feel good about that! ha, ha ... When I get through this second incident I will share with you the wisdom I’ve gleaned. I’m thinking it might be something as simple as NOT LIFTING ANYTHING WITH MY LEFT ARM!!!!! Ha,ha,ha
Friday, October 5, 2007
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Well, I have an absolute blessing I want to share with you today. I have asked Don to allow me to post this today because I want you to understand that when we take a woman on board as a member of a particular trip we realized we they are leaving husbands and children behind just as are the attending missionary women. That is why we pray for the husbands and children of the team members and attending missionaries. Yesterday I received the following note from one of our team members’ husband. It so touched my heart that I asked him to let me post it. He agreed, if I’d check the spelling! Ha,Ha,Ha Praise God that Techno Barbie is checking for all of us!!
Enjoy because I know I did……
Hi Vickie:
I'm Don Jenkins, Mena's husband. I have not met you, but I'm looking forward to that day.
I'm so thankful God has allowed you and Mena's paths to cross. I have never in our 42 years of marriage seen her so excited about the team trip to Quito. I firmly believe God has used you in inviting her in taking this trip, which will change her life forever. God has placed upon my heart to say THANKS.!!!!!!!!!! These are exciting times because we continue to see more clearly why God has brought us back to our home roots. These last three years have been the most exciting days of our Christian walk.
In addition, thanks for the prayers of the team members during the last two days during surgery. We needed it. She came through with flying colors. I can say all that with ease because she did all the suffering. She is doing find but continue to pray for full recovery. She still plans to make the NY trip however; we will see what the next few days allow.
Please know I have been praying for the team and will continue until your return. My prayer for this day is Ps.32:8, I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye". May God bless you and have a great day. DJ
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Be Careful What You Pray For !
Last year I had a daughter get married in December and the other daughter graduated from high school. I was studying for a teacher’s test and teaching 5th grade. What a year! God was faithful, and I knew I couldn’t have done it without Him. I’m taking a break this year from teaching, and have the “empty nest”. So, when Wendy called and asked me about going to Ecuador I was very excited and a little overwhelmed. I feel like God is in this for me to go. I had been praying about something I could do for Him. They say be careful what you pray for. There you go!
In Philemon 20 Paul is encouraging Philemon’s obedience. He says, “Yes, brother, let me benefit from you in the Lord, refresh my heart in Christ.” This is my hope and prayer, that the Lord will use us to refresh these women. Please pray for my fundraising. I know the Lord will provide if I’m to go.
Gratefully yours, Marla Fergus
Monday, October 1, 2007
Nicki Bartlett's Calling
Well about 4 weeks ago, after a Sunday morning service at church, Vickie Arruda approached me, inquiring if I was going on the Ecuador mission trip in November. My prayers have been answered. It’s all in God’s timing. Hallelujah!! And Praise God!!
I can’t wait to meet and hug on all of the missionary women. Even though I have not met any of them yet, I feel like they’re all in my heart already covered in sweet, love.