Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Portugal Trip Cancelled…

It will come as no surprise that our trip to Portugal has been cancelled. We prayerfully have been waiting, watching and praying until this past weekend. Our Pure Joy Board made the best decision concerning the number of people that were being impacted and that was to close the conference. Sunday night, I visited with our staff at Pure Joy to let them know the trip was cancelled and then Monday made our Portugal team aware of the cancellation. Then began the process Monday night of letting the missionary women that would have been attending know as well. By the time Tuesday rolled around we were informed our flight to Lisbon had been cancelled. For all of you that have been praying, giving, gifting and, yes, even were apart of the team that was going, HE KNOWS. All moneys donated for sponsorship of missionaries for this trip will be moved forward to sponsor missionary women for the next trip. If you have questions regarding this, then please contact me at

It goes without saying that we all need to be in prayer for one-another, our communities, the nation and the world. I would remind us during this time to not be carriers of the chaos! Where chaos abounds, the enemy is at work. So, be wise, follow the instructions of those that are doing their best to direct us to ways of protecting one-another.

And seriously, if anyone can explain to me the toilet paper hoarding, I’m open to it. I must admit I have seen some creative funnies posted on it.

Stay, safe!