Monday, September 29, 2008

Last Blog Before Venezuela


This blog is a little late being posted but still wanted it to be on the site for those of you that follow Vickie's blogs closely.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Raising Finances not Food...

Ok just a quick clarification before you watch the clip. I meant to say we are raising funds to support the missionaries that are coming to Venezuela. But it came out raising foods. Actually, we were eating the food to raise the funds! Enjoy the video!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Back in the Blog Business

FYI - you can watch this video in high quality by going to the YouTube web site and clicking on watch in high quality.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vickie On The Road

Greetings followers of Vickie's blog posts!

Just wanted to let you know that she is not skipping out on her duties, but is in South Carolina attending a Global Impact Conference at North Greenville University. I'm sure she will have exciting news to share from the trip when she returns, so keep checking back. Hopefully she will be able to get a blog out to you all by the first part of next week.

In the mean time keep praying for the Venezuela retreat - we are on the count down now and are trusting God to provide every provision needed. If you are not registered as a Friend of Pure Joy please take time to do that on our web page at so that you will receive all the Venezuela news as soon as it becomes available.

Blessings to all

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hello All...

I am trying to not give up writing on the blog just because we have our new little video camera ‘Hoodie Leggs’. However, I’d be telling a lie if I didn’t tell you it would be easy to do! But, setting down to type to you takes a little more discipline so I will keep it in the line up because Abba knows I can always use more discipline in my life.

I am officially off church staff today for the first time in 15 years. Wow! I am so excited to see how God works. I have a Board of Directors over me that leave me with no concern about having a covering. It is so sweet how God provides those things for us single ladies. After all the LORD our God is our Husband. Isaiah 54:5.

It is so funny to realize how much of your brain space is being taken up thinking about people and things in a ministry that you don’t realize until you no longer feel the responsibility for it. Now I can use that space for Pure Joy completely. That should scare somebody! Ha,ha,ha,ha

As you know we are closing in on our Venezuela trip. I pray that all the missionary women there are praying for us as we pray for them. It is always a sweet time for the team as we start getting closer to our departure date. I find myself saying out loud to others, “We’re going to Venezuela!” You kind of have to be here to get the full effect of that! Ha,ha,ha

My summer garden is just about to bite the dust. I have received a few tomatoes and green peppers. The cantaloupes are holding out on me. I may have two or three that make it to a normal size. I have learned that I have my garden in a place that does not get enough sun. It looks right now how I look when I don’t get enough ‘Son’. I think you know what I’m saying.

I want to encourage all of you that turn to this blog site for even a glimpse. Be in the Word daily. Talk with HIM daily. Keep the intimacy in your relationship REAL!!!

Isn’t it the Greatest thing to know that we can have a personal relationship with the One and Only living God!!!!!!! You gotta LOVE THAT!!!!
