Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Republic of Georgia Registration Closes…

Registration for the Republic of Georgia Retreat closes this Saturday September 30, 2023.  Please make sure if you have any friends that are considering signing up to let them know.

We have 8 slots left open. However, if they are not filled by the deadline the registration will still be closed on the aforementioned date. 

We are so excited and cannot believe we are just under 3 weeks away from our time in the Republic of Georgia.  Please continue to pray for the ladies that will be attending and the team that will be leaving.  All the details are coming together well.  Of course, there are several things that cannot get done until registration closes but we are used to a little bit of stress. (ha,ha,ha)   Keep the prayers lifted up!

As you finish your week consider this reminder which you have probably processed before but need a review;  Am I so busy working for Christ that I am neglecting Him.




Friday, September 1, 2023

Encourage one another…

Today as I have been working on things for our Pure Joy International trip to Republic of Georgia, I have been reminded of the very first bible verse God gave me for encouraging the missionary women.

Hebrews 3:13

But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called
“today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.  (ESV)

I love that verse and what God spoke to my heart about it in those early years still holds true today.  “Encourage each other, lift each other up in the things of the LORD, while you can.  It prevents spiritual heart attacks in the body of CHRIST. "

We go to other countries to encourage our sisters in Christ because God gave us the vision to go in the format of retreats/conferences.  To encourage them, to remind them of His Love for them, to speak the Word over them, to worship Him with them, to laugh, cry, and fellowship as His girls.  We don’t just go to go; we go because we can’t not go!

Please continue to pray for the team as we are in the major stages of preparation now.  We have 11 slots left.  Registration will close at the end of the next 3 weeks so please continue to get the word out.

Thank you so much to you that are giving towards sponsorships of the missionary women that will be attending.  It means so much to them to be able to come at no cost to them except getting to and back home from the venue.  Their room and meals, materials for the retreat are all sponsored through your giving.  You all are always the best!  If you want to donate, go to our web site and scroll down to Support for instructions on how to give.

Have a blessed and safe long weekend as we celebrate Labor Day weekend here in the U.S.


