Monday, August 26, 2019

A Good Chuckle…

Saturday morning, I found myself laughing at my great niece and nephew (I have a handful of them, these two just happen to live close) as we played in the living room floor. She is just over 2 ½ years of age and he just turned 7. I will let you try and figure out what it might have looked like as my great nephew charged at me with these words, “Cannon Ball!” Only to hear an immediate backup version coming at me from another angle, “Cannon Ball!” We were all piled up in the floor playing and laughing out loud. I’m not sure I needed the “Cannon Ball” hits but I did need those good laughs.

Today, I attended the funeral of a friend that I graduated with back in the years. (smile) I promise you, to know him was to just laugh. His home-going was every bit as full of laughter as his life reflected. The pastor that did the service told of a phone call he received from the deceased the day he took the pastorate at one of the local churches in the community. He said, Pastor, I want to give you a good piece of advice. The Pastor said, ok. The deceased said, “Don’t ever fry bacon in the nude”. The funeral home erupted in laughter. That was what my friend did, he encouraged people, prayed for people, and made people laugh. And above all, he loved “Jesus”.

I walked out of that funeral thinking; I need to laugh more. I used to laugh all the time. I could be wrong, but I suspect all of us could use a little more laughter in our lives.

Sao Paulo, Brazil –
We are 7 weeks out from heading to Sao Paulo, Brazil. Please continue to get the word out to the missionary women serving Internationally there. Also, please pray for the area. The fires that are burning from the Amazon caused a dark out (smoke) in the afternoon one day last week.

We still have spots available and the team continues to be diligent in their prayers and preparation on this side of the waters.

Have a Great Week!  (Laugh a little or a lot!!)


Friday, August 16, 2019

Sao Paulo Just Over 8 Weeks Away...

Absolutely cannot believe we are just over 8 weeks away from leaving the country to head to Sao Paulo, Brazil.  The team is getting more excited weekly.  Trunks are being ordered, sponsorships of missionary women are coming in, gifts are being made, prayers are being lifted up, worship music is being prepared,  team assignments are being prayed over, and all the other many details that go into the trips when Pure Joy International travels overseas.  Please continue to pray for the team and our time with the LORD daily.  If you asked me, what is the most important thing for the team in the preparation process?  My answer would be that we are spending time with the LORD in Spirit (Prayer) and in Truth (His Word).   You know the enemy hates that!  So, the spiritual battles are difficult in the preparation process for our teams.  If you plan on attending the retreat and or know someone that needs to be attending the retreat go to  and get yourself/selves registered as soon as possible.  Get the word out.  So many times, people say, “no-one told me about it until it was too late”.  Please don’t assume ladies know about this opportunity, make sure they know. (smile)
Well, school has started back this past week for many families all the way from kindergarten to college.  Lot’s of momma’s and Dad’s out there with wet eyes.  However, probably just as many doing headstands and cartwheels.  Ha, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha   Please take time to keep our kids and their respective schools covered in prayer this year.
Today, my great-nephew (2nd grade) informed me when asked, “What did you learn at school today?  Nothing, this week we are just getting to know each other.  We don’t start working till next week. Forget the math worksheet he had completed in his folder. Ha,ha,ha,ha   A big shout out to Mrs. Chelsea Kienol that she finds it important for the kids to get to know each other!

Hope each of you have a good week and please continue to pray with us about all things Sao Paulo!
