Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Strange Fire…

About 5 years into my walk with the LORD, while serving on a church staff, the words “strange fire” came up in my spirit as I sought the LORD on an issue I was dealing with at our church. Immediately, I thought of the two sons of Aaron that God consumed with fire for their use of “strange fire.” If you don’t know the story, here is a little snippet from….

In order to understand the phrase “strange fire,” we must review the story in Leviticus in which it appears. The first tabernacle had been erected, and Aaron was doing a lot of sacrificing per God’s instructions (Leviticus 8—9). One day, two of Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, came along and offered incense with “strange fire.” The Hebrew word translated “strange” means “unauthorized, foreign, or profane.” God not only rejected their sacrifice; He found it so offensive that He consumed the two men with fire.

After Nadab and Abihu were killed, Moses explained to Aaron why God had done such a harsh thing: “This is what the LORD spoke of when he said: ‘Among those who approach me I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored’” (Leviticus 10:3). The exact nature of the profane fire isn’t known, but, since it was the fire that was unauthorized, it could be that Nadab and Abihu were burning the incense with fire of their own making rather than taking fire from the altar, as specified in Leviticus 19:12. Or it could have been that the two men came into the tabernacle drunk and therefore could not remember what was a violation and what was not (Leviticus 10:8–9). Whatever it was the men did to render the offering profane, it was a sign of their disregard for the utter holiness of God and the need to honor and obey Him in solemn and holy fear. Their carelessness and irreverence were their downfall.

Did you catch that last verse?  Whatever it was the men did to render the offering profane, it was a sign of their disregard for the utter holiness of God and the need to honor and obey Him in solemn and holy fear. Their carelessness and irreverence were their downfall.

Are you approaching God with “strange fire?” Have you developed a disregard for His Holiness and lost sight of a need to honor and obey Him in solemn and holy fear?

Father, I pray for us as Your children, the church, and our nation. Break our hearts over our own disregard for the truth of Your Holiness and Awesome Power. Restore us to right regard for You, our God. Amen.

Keep praying for all things Quito, Ecuador. We still have 15 missionaries left to sponsor. The team is excited, and I can sense it rising in me the closer we get! I try to pace my excitement, since we are still a little over two months from leaving the country. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha I think of it as packing the fire-cracker. Pack it slowly and tight. When we get to Quito and it is set off… What Glory it will bring Him!

Love you all,


Wednesday, February 6, 2019


I am so excited to share with you that we have 35 of our 50 missionary women that will be attending the Quito, Ecuador Retreat sponsored. Thank you so very much for getting on board with this early. We now only have 15 more to go. Please keep praying and seeking God for His leading to give.

So, I haven’t written a blog this past week because I have been so ticked off about the stupidity of American Politics and  I didn’t want to get on a soap box. That is all I’m going to say. Ok, maybe one more thing I will say. We, as a Nation, should be on our face before God as never before. Folks, the spiritual war is on!! God wins but the battles will still have to be fought!! There isn’t any area left un-attacked; individuals, marriages, families, children, human life, churches, ministries, businesses, schools, etc., the list is endless. It’s time to hit our knees before a Holy God!

Love you all,
