Thursday, October 18, 2018

Alicante, a Final Look….

The Team is all home safe and sound. Hopefully changed and not the same in some areas of our lives. That is also our prayer for the missionary women. We pray that the sweet fragrance of Christ lingers in their lives as well, from the many verses, words, worship, acts of kindness and generosity of those of you back here in the states, that we carried with us, to them. Generosity that came through prayer, giving, gifting, going and continual support of this ministry. Because of all our obedience to Him I believe many hearts were convicted, challenged, and affirmed of the importance of their “calling” to share the gospel and the importance of discipleship. Again, thank you so much from all of us at Pure Joy International, Inc. You are the best supporters ever!!!!

Wanted to share some of the sights that we and the missionary women had a chance to be exposed to while having their hearts recharged for the continual pilgrimage (smile) ahead. Enjoy this beautiful area of Spain that God led us to for bringing a time of refreshing and renewed hope to our servants on the field.


Saturday, October 13, 2018

God Speaks to our Hearts...

What an incredible finish we had to the conference today. Such a sweet spirit among us all. The fragrance of Christ abounded. The Spirt of the LORD convicted, challenged and affirmed as we drew nearer to Him.

The ladies have all headed back to their homes and countries. A few will leave in the early morning hours like us and some tomorrow.

The team is packed and ready to go.
Well, most of us are packed and ready to go. One room, not so much! Ha ha ha ha

Pray for safe travels home!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Day 8 Alicante, Spain...

Today, Friday, was the last full day of the conference, with Saturday morning holding the final sessions, wrap up and lunch. Please pray that God will continue to speak to all through worship, His Word, the fellowship and gifts. Pray for the ladies as they return to their fields of service and the Team as they pack up and prepare for their return trip.

Look for Vickie to post more pictures in future updates!

Counting it all Pure Joy,
Mary B.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Day 7 Alicante, Spain

Today was full of food, fun, gifts, fellowship, God’s Word, sweet worship, testimony and a time of prayer.

Pray without ceasing!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Day 6 Alicante, Spain

The missionary women arrived today. So exciting! Some came by plane, some by train and some by automobile. Hmmmmm there is a movie in there somewhere. Ha,ha,ha

Once they got settled in their rooms they were able to come back down for snacks, fellowship, and hugs. Many of the ladies do not know each other. However, some do know each other but it has been a while since they have had a chance to get together.

Then there was a time of missionary women getting to know others and the team.

The night finished up with prayer, worship, and God’s Word!

Keep praying…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Day 5 Alicante, Spain…

Started this day out with a “bang” literally. First night I had made it to bed and asleep before midnight. But, it was the beginning of a yearly holiday festival. Fireworks started right outside my window. I did have the best seat in the house on the 8th floor of the hotel, directly in front of me.

A couple of the girls made it to the town center for the parade which wasn’t very large but fun, according to them. The rest of the team was either getting in some sleeping or trying to finish up some shopping from yesterday.
After lunch we begin began work on our final preparations for the missionaries coming tomorrow. Absolutely, can’t wait to see everyone. Hard to believe the time is finally here!!!
We had some sweet prayer time for the ladies today and Danelle brought a good word for us to think on during our devotional time. And by the way there are a lot more pictures of preparation time, but we don’t want to give any gift ideas away before the missionaries get to see them. (smile) Get your prayer shoes on for all of us and start walking because the enemy would love for us to not to be here encouraging these women in their calling, their marriage, their family, company relationships, ministry, etc. Hold us up on wings of Eagles!

Rest time! Love you all.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Day 4 Alicante….

Day 4 began with this incredible sun rise out my hotel window. What a way to start your day with the LORD! Oh, His magnificent glory! Julie shared the devotional this morning and what a great reminder of how important it is to be content in that which God has called us to regarding areas of ministry and the working together of the body of Christ.
Then there is always starting out with a good breakfast of Champions. (smile) That might have been yesterday's breakfast picture or not. Ha,ha,ha,ha Following breakfast we headed off to tour Santa Barbara Castle.

The Santa Barbara Castle is located on the top of Benacantil Mt., 166 meters above sea, level; it gives to the city a great strategic value. From its location there, you can see almost the entire bay of Alicante.

On its slopes have been found archaeological remains of the Bronze Age, Iberian and Roman, but the origin of the fortress is in the late ninth century with the Muslim rule.

Here is the Castle with some of the team walking up to the top of the Castle. Also, a break time for our guide Rick to share another story with us. Rick was quite the entertainer. (smile)

Then more to eat, of course, before the day was over. Lots of shopping took place today because we begin our final preparations for the missionary women tomorrow afternoon.


P.S. Keep praying for all things Pure Joy. The missionary women will be here Wednesday and we want to be prayed up and ready for all God has for them and us.