Saturday, December 29, 2012

Accountability in the Body of Christ...

I have to say I love accountability. I made a statement in the Blog this week that I am reading the book "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn. I also suggested the book as a 'must read'. I stated, “It is totally thought provoking in regard to America's future.”

As soon as the blog was posted, I received a note from one of our readers. She let me know that she liked the snow picture but disagreed with me about the book. She suggested I look at the following link

I took time to do just as she suggested, and I’m thankful that I did so. I so agreed with what T.A. McMahon had to say as a critical critique of the book. I do suggest if you have read the book to look at this link and if you are going to read the book to look at this link.

Reading the link reminded me to communicate more clearly my thoughts on a book. While I understand that this book is fictional, and I agree with T.A. McMahon's statement that "it (The Harbinger) tries to fit into the genre of National Treasure and the Da Vinci Code”, I herald the main principle that America must repent and turn back to the God of the Scriptures.

Thank you, reader, for holding me accountable for what is communicated on this blog site.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snow and a Good Book...

Christmas snowSnow began falling in the early afternoon on Christmas Day at our home. Actually, the sleet came first then the snow came on top of it. Praise the LORD for the snow on top of the sleet! By Wednesday morning, we had a good 4-5 inches at our house with those around us getting as much as 13 inches. There is nothing like looking out that window in the waking hours and seeing a blanket of snow. The word ‘purity’ always comes to my mind when there is a fresh snow. There are no tracks in it from man or animal for a short amount of time. It may be the closest thing to seeing perfect pure beauty here on earth, at least in my mind. It is just so tranquil and peaceful. Then add to this a good book and a cup of coffee, and this makes for one happy camper! The book I am reading right now is The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn. I suggest it as a ‘must read’! It is totally thought provoking in regard to America's future.

Speaking of the future, we are just days away from heading into a New Year. Lots of New Year's resolutions are being planned by many thousands of people even as I write this blog today. Some will plan to lose weight, some quit smoking, some quit drinking, etc. Have you ever noticed that most New Year's resolutions deal with taking something away? This year I want to encourage you as a believer to add something instead of taking away. If you will add, with a sincere heart, reading His Word and spending time daily talking to Him (prayer) and obeying Him and His Word, then you will not have to take things away . . . you will want to give them up. Big difference!!

I love you all and am looking forward to what God has in store for all of us as we journey together into 2013. Remember to pray for Pure Joy and all the plans God has for us as we go into the New Year!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Looking for the Answer...

This morning as we awaken from the weekend and the tragic massacre of the elementary school children in Connecticut last week, news commentators , psychiatrists, psychologists, school authorities as well as the President of the United States are saying we have to do something to stop these killings and the madness that is going on all over this country. Everyone is looking for the answer. Interestingly enough most people run to the answer immediately in these catastrophic situations: God. All of a sudden, people, including the very people who have taken God out of the classroom and schools, run to Him. They ask for prayer, they quote scriptures, and they call us as a nation to prayer. We are seemingly unified again as "One Nation Under God" even though a few cannot pledge allegiance in their schools anymore. We run to "God" when we have a crisis much like people who come to counseling. They show up because of a crisis and once it starts ‘feeling better’ they stop coming to counseling until the next crisis.

This we can be sure of concerning our nation: there will be more crises. These are things we cannot control.  What we do have control over is where we place our hope.

Yesterday afternoon I attended the Christmas program my home church prepared for the Christmas Season. I must say in all the years of being a follower of Christ I do not believe I have seen it done any greater or simpler than how our church shared the true meaning of Christmas. They gave the audience a different perspective on how others might worship in different countries; they addressed the family of today and how Christmas isn't always the sweetest time for many around the Christmas table. They addressed our families that have someone on the field in military service and those who may have lost someone in battle or service this past year; they addressed those who are lonely at this time of year and just want the season to be over. It was nice to hear a Christmas program address the realities of life and things people really deal with in this day and time during the Christmas season. But, the greatest thing of all was how simply they wove the coming of Jesus Christ’s birth and its meaning into our lives through this Christmas Program. Jesus: the simple HOPE of the world. Incredible! Yes, isn't it true that John 3:16 is the Christmas story . . . For God so loved the world that He gave His son from heaven above, to the cross and again when He returns, so that whoever believes with simple faith in Him, shall not perish (a promise) but have eternal life (the Truth!)

He is our Hope in the middle of all our circumstances: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the evil. He is our only Hope. If you have never received the gift of the season, Jesus, in your heart there is no time like now. It is as simple as honoring that tug He has placed on your heart. Simply confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD, that He came to this earth, lived, and died for you a sinner, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. You will be saved.

Please remember others during this season who don't have or understand the Hope Jesus gives us in the middle of our life circumstances. He truly is the reason for our HOPE!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blog not forgotten...

Ok, so last week I did not get around to the blog. I knew it was due but I just wasn't in that mode. My staff will attest to this truth: I am not the kind of person to write just to write. In fact, I wouldn't write as much as I do if they didn't press in on me to do it! That is why I love them so much!!

So, let me catch you up. On Friday November 30th I headed to Mineral Wells, TX to spend the weekend with several of the young women I had the opportunity to disciple for three years while I was on church staff in Austin, TX. We get together the first weekend of December each year either in Texas or in Arkansas to catch up and see what God has been doing in our lives over the past year. We had fun, ate too much, fellowshipped, had a few deep discussions on the topic of Christmas and did some shopping. (Shopping: my favorite thing to do . . . NOT!) Ladies, I encourage you to spend time with your girlfriends and add some accountability to your life.

Sunday afternoon as we all packed up and headed our separate ways, I headed on to Altus, Oklahoma where I spent the night with my dear friends, Robert and Maureen Sutherland. The following night I spoke at First Baptist Church Altus to a full house of women from churches all around the area. The Christmas Celebration Dinner consisted of brisket, twice-baked potatoes, salad, and a veggie, but of course, I don't remember what that was. Ha, Ha! The dessert was red velvet cake. Now that I'm thinking about it, who needs a speaker after all that? Ha, Ha! I did share a message with them from Luke 2:8-18 based on their theme "The First Christmas Rush". We had such a sweet time and laughed our heads off along with shedding a few tears. I returned home Tuesday, and Friday I did a TV spot with our local cable station to share about opportunities to get on board with Pure Joy International. (Note: TV is not my cup of tea, coffee, or any other drink! Ha, ha, ha!)

This week I am back on course with Pure Joy International and counseling. God is doing so many amazing things in our ministry right now that I am just enjoying the ride!! We will be bringing in an intern in January. Sara is a precious young woman and a soon to be first time mom. She grew up in Brazil, and she and her husband hope to return there to minister in the future. We are looking forward to what God is up to in her life and ours as we journey together.

Don't forget to be praying for our trips to Belize, Ghana, and Mongolia. Pray for all the details for connections and hotels/resorts, etc. Also, pray for the missionary women who need to know about these retreats. Pray about giving and pray about going! The dates have not yet been set – stay in touch through the blog where I’ll announce details as they emerge. 

If you want to see a slideshow of our trip to Prague, visit our website Take a look at the front page and other pages where we have been updating some of our information.

Hope all of you are not making yourselves crazy during this season but are actually taking time to celebrate that we have a Savior and, because of Him, we are only passing through!! Amen!!

Love you all!
