Law……You shall have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:3).
Love command……Love is Loyal
As I pondered in my heart this past week about “Love is Loyal” I realized that I had really allowed a lot of junk to creep up onto the throne of God in my life. I hope you took time to think about those things I asked you to look at last week as well. A good ‘throne check’ is healthy throughout the day.
Today, we look at our second commandment from the standpoint of the Law and then the Love command.
Law…..You shall not make any graven image (idol), or bow down before them or serve them (from Exodus 20:4-5 ).
Love command……Love is Faithful.
Is your love toward God faithful? Is your intimacy with Him and your worship of Him so sincere that you would never consider giving it to another? The children of Israel broke faithfulness with God over and over by worshiping the idols/graven images of the lands they took possession of. What are you worshiping instead of God in your life? Your spouse? Children? Job position? Money? Sports? Religion? A person? Alcohol? Drugs? What are you turning to instead of Him when your life circumstances become overwhelming? There is a saying, “We become like that which we worship.” If we are not becoming like Jesus then we must be worshiping someone or something else. Take a look in the mirror of your heart this week and see what you are looking like.
Pure Joy News…
I spent most of last week in Austin, Texas. It was a sweet time of fellowship but more importantly it was an opportunity to have great fellowship with old friends and new. Richard and Trexa Hilderbrand held a “Shrimp Boil” at their home in Georgetown, TX and I had the chance to update everyone on Pure Joy and the expanded vision God has given us as we go forward into the future. Please pray that the words that were shared will take root in many of the hearts represented that evening and that fruit will abound in the days ahead.
The ladies in the Dominican Republic are talking it up amongst themselves regarding the trip in May. In fact, they are already making plans and networking ways to catch rides with others that live far away from the retreat site. We have one of our ladies flying in from Costa Rica . Pray that all of the ladies will be able to make the connections they need to be able to share in the transportation to the retreat site. One of our team members received all her personal support for the trip this past week and is praising God for His provision. He does provide for that which He calls us to, all the time!
Have a God Week!