Monday, June 29, 2015

Back in the office….

Wow, last week was a whirlwind. Actually, it really was at the beginning of the week because we were in Oklahoma. The wind truly blows there! My mom and I pulled up to a hotel we were staying in and I pulled some hanging clothes out and put on the hotel dolly while I reached down to get our suitcase out of the trunk. When I turned around my hanging clothes were gone. No, I mean really, they were gone. I looked to the left, right, front and behind. I finally saw them sailing across the parking lot and chased them down. My white blouse did not come out of it so well.

I met with our worship leader for Kathmandu and three other potential team members who are praying through to be sure it is God’s leading for them to be on this trip. We had a sweet time and I love meeting new women who are interested in ministering to missionary women overseas.  

We then made it back home Tuesday afternoon and I had a day in the office on Wednesday before heading out to Shreveport, Louisiana on Thursday afternoon. I met with another one of our team members for Kathmandu who will be joining us. The thing that is so sweet about this meeting is this particular team member will be flying in from the Ukraine to meet us in Kathmandu. She is a missionary who attended our Italy retreat and felt God leading her to be a part of the team for Kathmandu…her way of paying it forward to other missionary women. God is so good!

Made it back in Friday late afternoon just in time to catch the storms that passed through Arkansas. So, there is my life in a nutshell and why you received a short blog last week.  (smile)

For those of you who are praying for our hotel location in Kathmandu, our contact person on the field and another missionary located several hotels and sent pictures and information to our logistics person (Linda). Please pray that Linda will have favor with the hotels as she negotiates.

Once the hotel is settled we will open up registration for the retreat. Please pray as I have asked before that the word gets out to exactly the women who God would have be at the retreat. He knows.

Love you all,


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

On The Road This Week ...

I'm on the road this week visiting Kathmandu team members and possible team members. So pray as I meet with those praying to confirm His will for them regarding the trip. I'll catch you up next week .

Love u all,


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Kathmandu, Nepal…..

Quick note on Kathmandu: We are still praying about in which hotel God would have us hold the retreat. We have gotten a report back from our contact person there regarding several that are structurally sound. For those of you who are interested in giving towards the sponsorship of the missionary women, you can begin doing that now. Click the following link and it will take you to our donation page Click here. Please designate for the sponsorship of Kathmandu missionary on your check or online via PayPal.

Much prayer has gone into our decision to continue travel to Kathmandu in November. God is honoring that decision by bringing the team together for this trip. We have 8 confirmed team members and 7 that are praying through their decision by the end of June. If God is speaking to you about this trip in regard to going, please contact me to be put on the waiting list. We have already had two women that moved up from the waiting list to the team. So, God knows. If you are interested in ways to be involved without leaving the country please email me at  

Our theme and verse for Kathmandu in November…

Have a great week…


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cross the Line…

Do you remember the game “Cross the Line”? We used to play it all the time when I was growing up. You would divide up into two teams. You would use a rope or dig a line in the dirt with heel of your foot that would separate you from the other team. You also had a designated place at the back side of your court called “jail” in which to place your captured opponents.

The rules were simple. If someone from the other team crossed over to your territory even with just their toe and you tagged them….they became your capture and were escorted to “jail”. The only way they could get free was for one of their teammates to break through the ranks and rescue them from “jail” without getting tagged. If you made it to the “jail” without being tagged, you and your friend were free to walk back to your side as long as you were holding hands. The first team to capture all the opposing team members won.

I loved that game growing up. Of course, I could run like the wind. Ok, if you know me, I have never been able to run like the wind. But, I do like the idea of it. Ha,ha,ha,ha! Anyway, I loved being able to break through and rescue people from “jail.” As I’ve thought about that game I’ve realized God has given me a heart as an adult not only to want to rescue people from the lies and bondage (“jail”) of sin but to also to want to say, “forget about crossing the line, how about being so far from it that you can’t even see it! Flee!!”

We play close to the line, don’t we? We believe we can handle it. We believe we won’t get caught. We even test it…stick a foot over and jerk it back quickly. Then we nahhhh nahhhh, na, nah, na nahhhh with the enemy. Then we deceive ourselves into thinking we can leave that foot a little longer the next time. And before you know it……tag, gotcha!

Are you playing close to the line in any area of your life? Does it blur your testimony to others? Does it confuse others as to what a true follower of Christ really is? Please get God’s perspective on whatever it is and move so far away from the line that not only are you not tempted by the line, you can’t even see it! 

Love you all…


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Katmandu, Nepal Ahead

As many of you know we have been praying about Katmandu, Nepal and Southeast Asia since last year with our eyes on the fall. Before leaving for Italy this year I had made contact with someone in each location to begin the process of praying, looking at dates, and finding facilities in the area to hold the retreat. Shortly before leaving for Italy, God placed the theme on my heart for our next retreat, “His Eye Is on the Sparrow So I Know He Watches Me.” While we were serving in Italy we received the news of the earthquakes that struck Katmandu. We were grieved for the people affected by the tragedy and lifted them in prayer. However, not once did it enter my mind that we weren’t going to Katmandu. We finished our awesome time with the missionary women who attended the Italy retreat and returned home. Immediately, I sent an email to our contact person, in Katmandu. No response. So I contacted the friend who had initially connected me with her. My friend let me know that the contact person was good but certainly shaken over the events. She and I were finally able to make contact. I shared with her that the events had not changed our minds about coming. I also shared with her that I would be meeting with the staff all-day and we would be praying about God’s continued will for us in this situation. I asked her to consider some possible dates and several other issues around the devastation there. End result…

We have tentatively set the retreat dates for November 18-21, 2015. Our contact shared with us the missionaries are still in Nepal fulfilling the calling on their lives to follow God’s will. In fact, her thoughts are that they will really need this retreat by November because they are pouring out and will need to be filled up to continue pouring out. The staff was in full agreement that we are in God’s will by continuing this direction.

So. if you have ever prayed for us, written an encouragement card, provided or made gifts, traveled with us, supported a missionary, or given to this ministry monthly, yearly, or one time, please gear up for our new  journey together and pray! Here are immediate prayer requests:

  • If you believe God is speaking to your heart about going on this trip, I need to hear from you now. So email at
  • Please pray for our contact person, as she is about the business of locating a structurally sound hotel for us to minister in come November. So far 5 are on the list. Please pray God gives us wisdom to know where He would have us.
  • Pray for the missionary women there, that the word will get out to them about the November retreat and that communication issues would not keep those who need to know from finding out. God knows exactly the women who need to be at this retreat.
  • Pray for many details that need to be solidified that will allow us to open the door for giving for this trip, and that when the door is open, the resources will pour in like running water for a much needed drought.
Now back to that theme for Katmandu.  I became interested in where the song “His Eye is on the Sparrow” originated and found the following information.

The theme of the song is inspired by the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: "Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" (Matthew 6:26) and "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:29–31).
Civilla Martin, who wrote the lyrics, said this about her inspiration to write the song based in the scriptures outlined above:

Early in the spring of 1905, my husband and I were sojourning in Elmira, New York. We contracted a deep friendship for a couple by the name of Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle—true saints of God. Mrs. Doolittle had been bedridden for nigh twenty years. Her husband was an incurable cripple who had to propel himself to and from his business in a wheel chair. Despite their afflictions, they lived happy Christian lives, bringing inspiration and comfort to all who knew them. One day while we were visiting with the Doolittles, my husband commented on their bright hopefulness and asked them for the secret of it. Mrs. Doolittle's reply was simple: "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." The beauty of this simple expression of boundless faith gripped the hearts and fired the imagination of Dr. Martin and me. The hymn "His Eye Is on the Sparrow" was the outcome of that experience.

Love you all and look forward to our new journey together.
