Today as I write the blog I would be remiss not to salute the men and women that have fought, are fighting, and will fight so that you and I can enjoy our freedoms. Oh that those that tear down the ones who fight for our country would recognize that because of these men and women they even have the freedom to gripe!
Today I also want to salute another group of soldiers. I salute Christian soldiers; men, women, youth, and children that fight for the truths that God has given us in His Word!
Those of you that fight for His standards! Those that are flying His Banner over your marriage, family, churches, and communities! Yes, we are in a ‘spiritual war’ daily and it’s not getting any easier to fight. Especially when we are losing loved ones to the lies of the enemy forces. May I encourage those of you, as well as myself, that have a spouse, children, a family member, and/or friends that have succumbed to the lies and pleasures of this world to ‘keep walking’. Don’t give up and don’t give in!
Don’t give up because we already have the victory! Don’t give in by allowing the world to dress you!!!!!!!! God has told us how to dress daily…Ephesians 6:10 tells us to put on the whole (full) armor of God! Every day we as Christian soldiers have a choice to put on the Armor of God or to let the world dress you. Who is dressing you????
Switching gears, we now have 22 missionary women sponsored for the trip! I get excited when I see God working on behalf of these ladies! He is so Faithful! Please continue to seek the LORD and give accordingly.
The team is working hard in regard to preparations and getting more and more excited! It is so fun each week to watch the emails that float back and forth between the team regarding different aspects of preparation. This week has been a busy one! Thank you so much to all of you that are on board with this ministry and thank you for loving the missionary women and their families!
Have a great week and remember to not be running around naked! Put on the whole (full) armor of God! If you don’t…..the world will dress you! Be intentional about what you wear!
Love you all,