Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's that Smell...

Can you even begin to tell the stores behind the answer to that statement “What’s that Smell!”? And/or the question “What’s that Smell?”
Well, let me add one to it! Last night when I got home from our Costa Rica Prayer time meeting, which was awesome because we actually Skyped the team members in Austin, TX at the end of our time as they were getting ready to start their Prayer time! This is when I love technology! If you don’t know what Skype is look it up on-line because it is so fun to bring your friends and family right into your home even though they are thousands of miles away!!

Anyway, back to that smell! When I got home last night I went in and fixed a cup of coffee and went out to the bathroom/laundry room. When I walked in my mom was there and I’m like “What’s that Smell!” Can you smell it she asked? Hmmmmmm --- well sort of since it about knocked me out and was reason enough to have an oxygen mask! Then the next famous question “Where’s that coming from?” Ever notice how those two questions usually partner in a situation like this? So we began the proverbial search. You are in the bathroom/laundry room area so you are going to start with - is there a bathroom or shower problem? No luck. Then you are looking around everywhere for something dead. No luck. Next question…..is that smell any place else, outside or another part of the house? No. So, you KNOW by the smell something is DEAD! You know what room it’s in and you can’t find anything dead lying around. Well, I told my mom, I can’t imagine what it is and where it is. Then my Mom remembers a situation she had with the dryer the other day. Yeah that’s right….all of a sudden something is coming to mind like……When she turned the dryer on she heard a thumping sound as if you were drying tennis shoes! But she didn’t see anything in the dryer that would cause that so she just continued on. Well, tomorrow we will have to have Cousin Doug come out and look at it because there is something dead in this room and it’s coming from the dryer area. We both agree and go to bed.

Today (Tuesday 17th), I’m headed to work and I get a call from my mom. Cousin Doug has made his way down to the house and turned over the washing machine to find a 3ft. plus cotton mouth snake the size around of a golf ball caught up in the dryer motor! DEAD no doubt! PRAISE GOD!! Seems that he or she must have made it through the dryer vent last week when we had all the flooding going on. Probably was just looking for a safe place to rest from all the water. Wrong Choice! I’m sure it never knew it would experience Death by Dryer! Ha,ha,ha .

As I drove on in to work with that whole story on my mind I thought about how we are kind of like that snake sometimes. We recognize we need a break, or a rest, and or a place to get away to. But if we are not surrounded with the right people, places, or resources we can end up in more trouble than we had to start with. I see that a lot in my counseling ministry and I’ve seen it in my own life before as well. So, I encourage you…KNOW the people, places, and resources that are healthy for you to get away to and rest. If you don’t you could end up with “Death by Dryer”!

Don’t forget Costa Rica. Pray for all of us to know all the details God would have us attend to and pray for finances to come rolling in!

Love you guys…


1 comment:

Jenny Stedman said...

I have heard Chris Thurman, a Christian psychologist and author, speak several times about the needs all humans have. Everyone will run to something to try and fill this God-given "hole". It could be work, friends, exercise, food, etc., but we will try to find something to meet our needs. I feel so blessed as a Christian that I know the One to run to and that He is able to perfectly meet my needs in ways that are awesome to watch!