Monday, April 4, 2011


As I write this blog I am looking out my office window at the calmness after the early morning storms that came through. There may or may not be more to come before the day is over.

It makes me think of a book I’ve been reading by Billy Graham written several years ago but now in a new updated version called “Storm Warnings”. The book is more relevant today than it was in its original writing but only because we are continually moving towards His Return!

The chapters I am in right now have to do with deception in the last days. One thing that He said that really rings true to my soul is that we have been deceived today in the church by the “Love and Forgive” mentality. Please don’t jump on this statement before hearing me out. I, like most any of you, am all about Love and Forgiveness because that is JESUS’ very message! I praise God for these Graces! Dr. Graham, however, is talking about how there is no genuine confession and repentance. Instead there is an attitude that He has to Love and Forgive me. (Italics mine) Dear Ones, HE owes us nothing! We owe HIM everything! Do not be deceived, God will not be mocked! We, as the church of the living God, cannot continue to live with blatant sin in our lives and claim His love and forgiveness apart from true confession and true repentance! There is nothing hidden that won’t be revealed! We must stop believing we are hiding our sins because they aren’t hidden from the ONLY ONE that can make a difference in our life. Run to Him, Confess to Him, Repent and HIS Love and Forgiveness will abound!! Believe me when I tell you I understand this truth and it is a run that will change your life for eternity and daily!!!!

Some of you are probably saying, “put the book down!” ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.

Moving on - let’s turn to Costa Rica. We have our 50 women and have started a waiting list. The team is starting to form and that is exciting to my soul! Met with some ladies from Morrilton yesterday and had some sweet prayer time for the missionary women and the trip. God is already putting some things on my heart for this trip and this group of women. It is so exciting how HE makes it so personal! I love how HE loves us! I have already received a couple of emails from ladies who will be in attendance, excited about Pure Joy coming and what God has in store for them! So put on your prayer pads and begin asking God to direct you on the prayers you are praying for this group of ladies, giving to help towards sponsorship of the ladies, and also, there is possibly still room for a few of you that might be interested in being part of this team!

Love you guys and excited about the days ahead….


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