Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Plane Leaves Friday……

We leave the country this Friday. We packed most of our trunks last week and this week we are packing personal things.
God has continued to show Himself strong through the body of Christ. All missionaries are sponsored!!! Thank you to each and everyone of you that have a heart for our missionaries through praying, giving, gifting and going. God is faithful to that which He calls us.

Our last letter to the missionary women went out yesterday. We are praying for them as they too prepare to make their way to Alicante, Spain. Praying for their husbands and children that will be left behind. Also, for our single missionaries as they prepare to leave those around them behind as well.

Keep a watch on the blog starting Friday as I will try to post our journey along the way. Hopefully, I will be able to attach a few pics as well each day.

May I encourage all of you to remember to lift us up in prayer as we step onto the plane Friday to leave the country. We absolutely “feel” your prayers and need them to help us walk out the plans He has for this retreat and this group of women.
Sorry this is short but lots of details to take care of in personal packing! Praise the LORD we have a personal check list that we have developed over the years that helps us as a team member not to forget important things, like your passport! Ha,ha,ha,ha Yes, believe it or not that has happened. Oh, the stories that could be told after 19 years of serving in this ministry. Like the time I had a team member go out the wrong door at the airport coming back through customs. I could see her, she could see me, but they would not let her step back through the doorway even though she just went through it. Ha,ha,ha

Praying that all of you have a great rest of the week!


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