Monday, October 8, 2018

Day 4 Alicante….

Day 4 began with this incredible sun rise out my hotel window. What a way to start your day with the LORD! Oh, His magnificent glory! Julie shared the devotional this morning and what a great reminder of how important it is to be content in that which God has called us to regarding areas of ministry and the working together of the body of Christ.
Then there is always starting out with a good breakfast of Champions. (smile) That might have been yesterday's breakfast picture or not. Ha,ha,ha,ha Following breakfast we headed off to tour Santa Barbara Castle.

The Santa Barbara Castle is located on the top of Benacantil Mt., 166 meters above sea, level; it gives to the city a great strategic value. From its location there, you can see almost the entire bay of Alicante.

On its slopes have been found archaeological remains of the Bronze Age, Iberian and Roman, but the origin of the fortress is in the late ninth century with the Muslim rule.

Here is the Castle with some of the team walking up to the top of the Castle. Also, a break time for our guide Rick to share another story with us. Rick was quite the entertainer. (smile)

Then more to eat, of course, before the day was over. Lots of shopping took place today because we begin our final preparations for the missionary women tomorrow afternoon.


P.S. Keep praying for all things Pure Joy. The missionary women will be here Wednesday and we want to be prayed up and ready for all God has for them and us.

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