Monday, November 23, 2015

Day 8, 9, and Home!

I apologize for being behind on the blog but the time went by so fast as the days folded together with our time with the ladies. I believe the last thing I shared with you was that I was getting ready to meet with the single missionaries to just hang out in my room Thursday night. We had a sweet time and lots of laughter. Friday we continued with messages from Iva, Debbie, and a testimony from Meleah. The ladies also shared among themselves about their journey and needs on the field. It is so awesome to watch them minister to one another. Saturday morning we had praise and worship which was awesome and a time for them to share with each other before the close out message. The women were so precious and so full of thanksgiving for all the prayers from you, support for them to attend, and gifts. Below are two portions of a couple of emails we have already received since being home. Remember if you prayed, encouraged one of your church members to be part of the team, supported and/or made gifts for this trip these letters apply to you when they say Kathmandu Team. You are a part of what was accomplished for His Kingdom in Kathmandu.

Dear Vickie and the Kathmandu Team,
I hope you all got home safely and without too much hassle from Kathmandu. It was an amazing 4 days and I feel so encouraged and ‘smiley’ inside! Just what I needed. On the last day of the conference, I woke up singing praise songs in my head which I haven’t done for some time. I feel so blessed and am challenged to rely on God’s promises for me and our family and not try to sort it out my own way. Thank you for all your love and input last week. 

Dear Vickie,
What can I say? I have just returned from the retreat you led in Kathmandu and Thank you - seems so inadequate. Really blew me away. I was quite overwhelmed and really very emotional by the outpouring of love and kindness to us. Seeing the video of those beautiful, faithful women - young and old making precious gifts for us - was just amazing.  To think that folks I do not know have been faithfully praying for me all this time, from so far away. It is just such a demonstration of God's grace to me - totally undeserved and unearned love. I cannot begin to payback or earn it - but just have to humbly say thank you.
Hope those encourage you as much as they do us at Pure Joy International. There will be more that come and I will print as much of each as I can for you in the next couple of weeks. I would ask one more thing of all of us. Keep praying for the missionary women in Kathmandu. Keep praying for all our missionary women throughout the world from all the retreats we have been able to serve our LORD in being a part of in the past, the present, and those we will be able to do in the future of the sake of the kingdom. Amen

Love you all...


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