Friday, February 21, 2014

This Week a Tribute....

I want to step back from our look at God's character this week and give a tribute to someone very special in my life, my spiritual mom.

February 12, 2014 my spiritual mom stepped into the very presence of God.   To say that she lived her life for Jesus is an understatement.  She lived life…every ounce of it that He blessed her with!  She was a running faucet of the love of Christ.  She loved Jesus, she loved Wil (my spiritual dad), she loved her children, grandchildren, her siblings, her church family, her friends and other peoples’ children, too, whether old or young.   She took God's word at face value and the teaching of Titus 2 that said, "older women train up the younger women ...”  I am one of those many younger women that she trained up and poured her very being into.  I caught more from her than she ever taught me and I praise God for that.  Because I caught a love of Jesus and a love for His word from her, I also caught that being a Christian meant doing everyday life with Christ and life can be hard but our God is bigger than all the difficulties.  I caught that when I have exhausted all my means for fixing something, my Heavenly Father is there smiling, waiting on me to let Him.  I caught that I don't have to like everybody in the world but I do need to be nice to them as unto the LORD (smile). I caught an incredible understanding of the importance of authority and how God set that in motion and how it protects us as women when we honor it.  I caught the truth of God's love at work through one of His servants and the impact it can have under your own roof and across the oceans.  I could go on and on but I suppose in its simplest form you can say I caught a glimpse of Jesus this side of heaven and for that I am eternally grateful.  Thank you my precious Friend.

Pat Vancil 1937-2014


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