Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Fragrance of Prague and Stopping the Chaos in the Family Home Stretch...

As I step back into writing the blog on a weekly basis, I cannot get away from the fragrance of Prague that is still a sweet reminder to pray daily for our missionary sisters all over Europe and beyond.  We continue to hear from the ladies of the fruit God is producing in and through them.   

I personally was encouraged and set back on course for His Kingdom’s sake while in Prague.  One thing that I am constantly reminded of in the journey is that life isn’t always easy, fair, and behaving the way I think it should, but God is always ‘faithful’.

Stopping the Chaos in the Family Home Stretch….

As we prepare to bring some closure in the next couple of weeks to our time together looking at the topic of Stopping the Chaos in the Family, I want us to use today as a review to get us back on track…

So, here are some things to be reminded of…
  • Genesis Chapters 1-3 are the foundation for our topic.  Read them over and over.
  • Chaos is defined as “a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.” 
  • Chaos limits our ability to communicate, instruct, listen, think, accomplish, learn, grow, etc.
  • Don’t be willing to settle for chaos! It will make the enemy happy and it will keep you from living life God’s way.
  • Chaos looks like:  disorder, nothing makes sense, confusion, things aren’t where they are supposed to be, you don’t know if you are coming or going.
  • Chaos feels like: we don’t know what we are supposed to do; we are overwhelmed, hopeless, and in shock or disbelief of our circumstances.
  • To remove chaos from your family/ life, you must be willing to:
    1. Get honest with yourself and acknowledge the chaos.  Admit your family is in trouble.
    2. Face the issues head-on as a family no matter how insurmountable they seem.
    3. Sort through some issues
    4. Ask for help (because drowning people can’t help drowning people).
    5. Do not let the enemy convince you that you are the only family experiencing chaos.
    6. You may need to separate from someone you love for a season in order to be able to come back together.
    7. Salvage what is good. (Getting order doesn’t mean doing away with everything. It means keeping what is good and getting rid of the chaos.)
    8. After order has been restored to your family, then you must be willing to walk away from the past by leaving it behind.
  • To stop chaos, you must get order.  To get order, you must establish the measurement (plumb line) for order.  In our case, that would be the authority of God’s written Word.
  • Psalms 127:1 tells us, “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.  Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”
  • Who’s the Boss?  God IS!
  • We looked at two forms of authority on this earth.  intrinsic and xxtrinsic
  • We established that only God has intrinsic authority.  He can act on whatever He says He will do and has the power and means to accomplish it.
  • We learned in Genesis 1 that God is Sovereign over all, Creator, Maker, and a God of provision.
  • We also learned from the Genesis 1-2 that where there is order there is provision.
  • We watched as God established the order for family…Man, Woman , the two became one and then there were children.
  • We established that chaos entered the world with Eve’s disobedience and then Adam’s.

And finally, we spent the last couple of blogs before I left for Prague discussing man’s attempt to cover up his sins and God’s provision for sin.

This overview positions us for our blog next week.  I do encourage you to go back to the first week we started this study and read through the principles that were flushed out in each week to make it more personable.

Love you all so much…
Loving my People Group, too…missionary women!

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