Friday, August 26, 2011

Peru On The Horizon...

We have 39 missionary women signed up for Peru with registration having opened up to them just last week.  Please pray as the remaining 11 openings are filled.  Please join us in praying for God to put women in those openings that will need what He has put on our hearts to take to Peru as a ministry team! If you know a missionary woman serving in the Lima, Peru area and/or surrounding countries, please direct them to the web site for registration:   Once they are at the home page they can click on “Registration is now open for our next retreat in Peru!”  Please let them know that the retreat is for missionary women serving in the Lima, Peru and surrounding areas.  There is no cost to the missionary women except each is responsible for their transportation to and from the retreat facility. The retreat is four days and three nights in length.  Again, send them to the web site for information.

All of that information concerns women that would attend the retreat from in and around Peru. As for the rest of us who are reading this blog, please as always be in prayer for the trip and be praying about giving towards sponsorship of the missionary women.  All donations are tax deductible.

Also, please tell a friend about this ministry and allow God to stir their hearts!  I learned along time ago through wise counsel not to decide for people what they do or don’t want to be a part of, because we don’t always know what God is doing in a person’s heart and life.  So, share, pray, give.  And here is a seed for you out there in blog land...we have a couple of spots still open for team members to Peru.  If you are interested you will need to contact me at  ASAP and I will be glad to give you details.

Also, many times people will ask us what Pure Joy International does.  The simplest explanation is: we wash the feet of our missionary women that serve overseas.  Why, because they too wash the feet of others.  Why, because all of us recognize the significance of the word ‘so’ in verse 4 of John 13:1-5.   

Starting with verse 3, "Jesus knew the Father had put all things under his power, and that he (Jesus) had come from God and was returning to God; ‘so’ He (Jesus) got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.  After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciple’s feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him."

Do you understand why Jesus could humble Himself and serve?  Because, he (Jesus) KNEW where he came from, who his power came from and where he was going when the curtain closes.  ‘So’ he humbled himself and served others!

We as believers must KNOW where we came from. Psalm 139 tells us God created and made us; we must KNOW our power source is God the Holy Spirit.  Acts 1:8 promises "We will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes", and finally we must KNOW where we are going because John 14:2-3 tells us, He (Jesus) is preparing a place for us to dwell with him for eternity!

"So" knowing this are you serving?


A lot is going on with Pure Joy International right now but I have to wait a couple of weeks to share with you what God is up to.  I can tell you this…God has increased the vision He gave me 11 years ago regarding our ministry.  Therefore, there are many changes taking place even as I write these words.  I can’t wait to share with you in a few weeks more details but for now just KNOW THIS (especially if you are a missionary woman reading this blog and/or you have a daughter, sister, mother, wife,  grandmother, great grandmother, aunt, and/or niece who is a missionary on the field)…GOD KNOWS YOUR NAME and He has called this ministry to come to you bringing you times of refreshing and encouragement so you can come out of the storms and challenges of everyday life on your field of service. And rest, regroup, breathe, and be renewed, strengthened, reminded, encouraged, loved on, and, yes, so you can laugh out loud with other ladies of like mind at life, yourself, and even with each other.


So you can return to your marriages, children, and family with a new attitude so that His Name may be HIGH and LIFTED UP in all you do on the field that others might KNOW HIM!  That others might KNOW HIM is what it is all about!!  It is hopefully why any one of us as His children, beloved, followers of Christ, do anything we do so that we may make Him known!   Pure Joy is here to for you to help encourage you to be the best at what God has called you to do!

Love you all!



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