Monday, September 30, 2019

Sao Paulo, Registration Closed…

We have closed registration for Sao Paulo, Brazil as of Wednesday night, September 25, 2019.
Please continue to pray for the team and the missionary women that will be attending the conference. 
Thank you to all that have sponsored the missionary women to be able to attend free of charge except for travel to and from the conference.  Also, thank you to our prayer warriors, those that gift, give and are going from your local churches.
You all are the BEST!  Our ministry is blessed because of you!

For A Good Laugh…
This past Tuesday, my great-nephew (BK) and his cousin (RS) (respectively 7 and 9 years of age) were riding in the back seat on the way home from spending time after school together, having had quite the fun time.  As usual, no matter where they are together, eventually someone must go home.  This usually leads to some form of a meltdown for whichever one must leave. On this day RS was having to go home. 
To keep this in perspective, several days earlier BK had gotten in trouble about something and was upset with me. Instead of having a full-blown meltdown, he left the room and went to his Nana’s room. Several minutes later I went in to check on him and he was laying across her bed but had calmed himself down. I told him how very proud I was of him that he had chosen to control his temper instead of allowing it to control him. Of course, he loved the encouragement!
Now, back to the back-seat conversation. As RS continued to be upset BK decided to share his 7-year-old wisdom with him.The conversation went something like this; 
BK:  I’m going to tell you how to control your temper when you get mad.
RS:  Looks at him like, “What?”
BK:  When you get mad, run into your room and SLAM your face on your bed!
RS: Still looking at him like, “What?”
BK: Really! It will knock some sense into you!
Of course, I was laughing to myself so hard I’m sure they had to have noticed. And I’m confident that RS left the car that day still thinking “What”?  
Proverbs 25:28 (MSG)
A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out.
Have a great week and remember, take time to laugh!

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