Tuesday, August 7, 2018


What a wonderful weekend as I traveled this past weekend to Elko, Nevada, to share about Pure Joy International with Shiloh Church, and minister to them through a marital and parenting conference. God is up to some things in that congregation, and I would ask you to join me in praying for His Best for them. Such an incredible group of people out in the western part of our nation.

They also added to our sponsorships for the missionary women coming to the conference in Spain. We now have 10 missionary women sponsored with only 40 to go. Yea, God! Remember, if you believe God is putting it on your heart to give toward the sponsorship of the missionaries for this trip, please go to www.purejoyinternational.org and click the donate button. Also, the donate button should be in the top right-hand corner of this page.

The past couple of weeks I have been sharing with you some struggles our missionaries can have on their field of service. We talked the first week about not putting them on a pedestal and the challenges of going on the field, being on the field, and returning to the field after a stateside time. The second week we talked about their struggles as human beings (like you and me) with their quiet times, marriages, kids, parenting, etc.

Today, I want to talk to you about the struggles they have with peer relationships. I can see some of you now putting your hands over your mouths, breathing in as if you can’t believe it! But, it is true. Sometimes our missionaries cannot get along with each other. Many would tell you that is the number one reason so many come off the field these days. I used to agree with that, but I don’t know if I believe it is the #1 reason or the #2 reason. The point is, it is at the top of the reasons list. Before we all get self-righteous about this, may I ask you something? How many of us have left a job, an organization, a church, a ministry, here in the U.S. because we didn’t agree with the leadership direction, couldn’t get along with the leadership, and/or just flat didn’t care to work with some people? I rest my case. Remember, they are human beings just like you and me, and can deal with many of the same life issues we all do… but in a foreign country. Frankly, it can be good for some to regroup and find a different company or organization to serve the LORD. Just like it can be time for us to leave a job, church or ministry to better serve God. The key for all of us, however, comes down to this… Did God call you to another venue or are you running? If He leads you in, He will lead you out. I can honestly say as a believer I have never joined or left a ministry, church staff, church, etc., that I didn’t believe God called me to. I also can honestly say, I have wanted to leave before He called me out of places, but didn’t.

I guess I’m saying (in summary), let’s be a little bit more full of grace and mercy to those who are struggling, as well as to those that may be coming off the field and you don’t understand why. Things aren’t always as simple as they seem, and while there are always two sides to every situation… there is only one that matters: God’s side. Walk according to His counsel and direction.

Love you all, Keep praying for our Spain trip. We have 3 spots open and then we go to our waiting list! 


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