Every August during the week that the meteor showers are to flood the skies, I dutifully climb out on top of our garage from the loft and position two lawn chairs, two blankets to cover up from mosquitoes, and a can of bug spray. I then go back in the house and wait for hours to pass for the designated time at which the meteor shower is to take place. At that time, I look over at my mom and say, “It’s time, are you coming up to the roof with me to watch for the meteorites?” And each year we journey out on top of the garage and wait and watch, and wait and watch, and wait and watch. As the mosquitoes begin to realize that they have some hors d’oeuvres sitting before them mom says, “I’m not seeing anything”. I say, “Me neither but keep watching.” (Consider it has only been 5 mins. ha, ha,ha,ha,ha) About 30 minutes later, or less, we decide to go in because it isn’t enough to hold our interest… and the mosquitoes are gaining weight. So, we pack it all in and head back into the house and go to bed. Of course the next morning we get to read about, or hear from others, what a great meteor storm had taken place that night. (REALLY!)
You know, watching requires a couple of important elements to it....
- One, you have to believe there is something to watch for.
- Two, you have to make sure your timing is right.
- Three, you have to be patient.
My mom and I do believe that the meteor shower is going to happen or we wouldn’t go to the trouble every year. However, our timing is terrible. We’re actually selfish because we need it to happen before we are ready to go to bed, and it happens more like 1 a.m. – 5 a.m. for our location. And patience… well need I say anything about that... "we obviously have zero for this situation.” Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
You know we are encouraged as believers to be watching for something, “The Return of Christ!"
Luke 12:37 (NKJV)
Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching.
Matthew 24:42 (NKJV)
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.
He’s Coming Back my friend! Don’t be deceived by this world to think that He is not!!
- Watch! Because His word tells us too.
- Recognize it will be in His timing which only the Father knows the appointed time.
- Pray for patience for yourself and others not to become impatient and discouraged in the waiting and watching.
He will return and it will be Glorious!
Please continue to pray for the missionary women that will be attending our conference in Guanajuato, Mexico. We have 9 of the 40 women sponsored as of this writing (Monday). As always pray and see how God would lead you to give.
Love You All,
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