Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Southeast Asia almost full and Mexico Registration Opens Next Week and YOU!

Well, things are beginning to buzz around here. We only have 6 slots open for Southeast Asia, then we go to waiting list. We are hearing from the ladies that are registered and there is a lot of excitement about our upcoming time together. We are excited to be in that part of the world as we have been close several times but not in this particular area. We are believing awesome things for these ladies and a true time of refreshing. Please continue to pray for the team and the ladies that will be coming. We still have 26 missionary women that need sponsorships. Please continue to see if God is speaking to your heart to give the missionary women the opportunity to come.

Also, we will be opening registration for Guanajuato City, Guanajuato Mexico next week. That places this ministry in a position to experience an opportunity to walk by faith in an incredible way. We believe that God has positioned us and prepared us to do 2 conferences in the Fall each year and 2 conferences in the Spring each year. We continue to believe with all our hearts that this is God’s ministry and HE will make a way for all the details of going, gifting, giving and prayer to happen as we live by faith not by sight. Many would say and DO say, how much longer can you go? The world is crazy, the economy is bad, danger lurks everywhere in foreign countries. Those are true statements, the world is crazy, the economy is bad, danger does lurk everywhere in foreign countries and stateside. But our God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He tells us to take the Good News to the lost near and far. And as long as we have missionary families/women taking the Good News of the gospel to the lost in all parts of this world we will continue to be obedient to the vision God has given us to help keep our missionary families/women on the field of service God has called them to. 

So what does this mean to you as we increase our opportunities on the field? It means pray like you have never prayed before for this ministry. Pray for the teams and the missionaries we will minister to. It means go! Be a member of one of the teams going to different parts of the world to minister to our frontline soldiers. It means pray about your giving as never before. Be committed to giving monthly or to a particular trip. Pray about being an individual or church that makes gifts for the conference for the missionary women. We have several churches that partner with us to make gifts. Please know that our staff, advisors and board go, give, gift and pray for this ministry. I am thankful they model every aspect of what we believe God has put on our hearts to ask of you.

Please remember to designate where you want your money to go: general fund, Southeast Asia, and/or Mexico. Some of you just tell us to put it where it is needed. Thank you for that. We most often, if not all the time, put undesignated funds towards missionary sponsorship.

Hope this helps you to see why things are buzzing here. Also, pray for us as we listen to God direct us in the details of these two trips. His will not ours.

Hebrews 13:20-21 (ESV)
20 Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, 21 equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Love you all more than you know!  


P.S.  In case you are having a hard week... someone just forwarded this to me because they know I believe A.W. Tozer was supposed to be my husband but he died a couple of years after I was born. Ha,ha,ha,ha


Monday, May 9, 2016

Only 12 positions left before going to waiting list and Shelter from the storms....

We have only 12 positions open before going to our waiting list status for Southeast Asia. Please continue to get the word out. Just received a word from some ladies in China that are hearing about the conference from others. Continue to pray that our Father will have exactly who He has purposed to be there for this time and season. We also have had two more missionary women sponsored in the past week, so we are up to 24 ladies sponsored with only 26 to go (believing we will have a full 50 there, smile). Thank you to all of you who continue to be faithful givers to His ministry on behalf of our missionary families/missionaries on the front lines. It is, as you can imagine, very much heating up around the world to be serving our God. And we must all keep the faith no matter what part of the continent we serve from. 
As I write the blog today it is pouring down rain outside. In fact, it is the kind of rain that whether you have an umbrella or not it makes no difference; you are going to get wet. Later on it is supposed to get even worse out with possible hail and tornadoes, unless of course it misses us completely. Know what you want on these kind of days? A place that is inviting, that keeps you from elements of the storm, that allows you to rest until you are ready to weather the storm again and/or it has passed.

You know, I am having one of those kind of days spiritually. It is raining in my heart, it is possible that it could get worse before getting better and I have already missed the chance that it will miss me completely. (smile) But, by “faith I have fled to God for refuge.” Not a friend, not a devotional, and honestly not even my Bible but the God of the Word. God Almighty, Sovereign God, All-knowing God, All powerful God, All present God full of Grace and Mercy, the One and Only True God. And do not misunderstand me here. I did not run to my Bible for a word, because I have grown to know, through reading my Bible daily, the Author of the Word. He has instructed me by His word to run to Him. I think we can get so intent on being in the Word, memorizing the Word, sharing the Word, striving to live life according to the instruction of the Word that we forget to really be personal with the Author of the book. Listen girls, that Author is real, alive, and cares for you and me. HE KNOWS and He is just waiting for us to run through the book to HIM. The Word empowered by the Holy Spirit is the stairway to HIM.

Come in out of the rain and storms and take refuge in Him. Rest. Stop fretting, running, scrambling, etc., and allow Him to comfort you. He alone can comfort the heart in its innermost parts.
Proverbs 14:26
In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, and his children will have refuge.
Love you all,