Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cross the Line…

Do you remember the game “Cross the Line”? We used to play it all the time when I was growing up. You would divide up into two teams. You would use a rope or dig a line in the dirt with heel of your foot that would separate you from the other team. You also had a designated place at the back side of your court called “jail” in which to place your captured opponents.

The rules were simple. If someone from the other team crossed over to your territory even with just their toe and you tagged them….they became your capture and were escorted to “jail”. The only way they could get free was for one of their teammates to break through the ranks and rescue them from “jail” without getting tagged. If you made it to the “jail” without being tagged, you and your friend were free to walk back to your side as long as you were holding hands. The first team to capture all the opposing team members won.

I loved that game growing up. Of course, I could run like the wind. Ok, if you know me, I have never been able to run like the wind. But, I do like the idea of it. Ha,ha,ha,ha! Anyway, I loved being able to break through and rescue people from “jail.” As I’ve thought about that game I’ve realized God has given me a heart as an adult not only to want to rescue people from the lies and bondage (“jail”) of sin but to also to want to say, “forget about crossing the line, how about being so far from it that you can’t even see it! Flee!!”

We play close to the line, don’t we? We believe we can handle it. We believe we won’t get caught. We even test it…stick a foot over and jerk it back quickly. Then we nahhhh nahhhh, na, nah, na nahhhh with the enemy. Then we deceive ourselves into thinking we can leave that foot a little longer the next time. And before you know it……tag, gotcha!

Are you playing close to the line in any area of your life? Does it blur your testimony to others? Does it confuse others as to what a true follower of Christ really is? Please get God’s perspective on whatever it is and move so far away from the line that not only are you not tempted by the line, you can’t even see it! 

Love you all…


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