For those of you tracking the progress on the Italy retreat,
we had 2 more missionaries sponsored this past week. Actually, a little over so
…22 and the arms of another are sponsored! Ha,a,ha,ha!
Hope everyone was able to wade through the final week of the
‘filters’ blogs. To summarize it all…
We need to be God centered so our filters are clean. God
centeredness means that when chaos in the form of guilt, shame, fear, anxiety,
anger, emotional woundedness, secret sin, unforgiveness, etc., etc. comes into
our life we immediately pass it through the colander of His Word and truths.
This colander only allows what is true and pure to pass through so we can think
more clearly and make godly decisions. One of the biggest culprits to clogging
our filters is un-forgiveness of things past, present, and future. Jesus knew
that when He demonstrated the importance of forgiveness from the cross. “Father,
forgive them, for they know not what they do.” The word ‘forgive’ used here is
what is called a continuous verb meaning the Father forgive them past, present,
and future, all the time. Jesus extended a gift to them - and to you and me - that
none deserved when He paid it all on the cross. Remember, forgiveness is always
a gift. Forgiveness does not mean what happened to you is ok. It doesn’t mean
you have to be reconciled to someone you have forgiven. It doesn’t mean there
are no consequences for the action. It does, however, mean freedom for you from
the offender and the ability to demonstrate grace through forgiveness as it was
demonstrated to you and me from the cross.
Love you all - have a God week!!
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