Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Well, here we are - another year before us. Remember when a year seemed like eternity? Of course we were only 7 or 8 then. Ha,ha,ha,ha. In all seriousness growing up we got to spend the summers with my grandparents on the farm. Those 3 months were awesome and it seemed like they lasted forever!! The older I got the time seemed shorter. Much shorter. I know those of you that are over 8 years of age reading this understand. Ha,ha,ha

Time is an interesting thing, isn’t it? It can seem like forever, or go by so fast you can’t believe it, or be just right. I’m thinking most of us aren’t experiencing the ‘just right’ part. Hmmmmm

So, what causes time to feel like it is moving slower than we want or faster than we want? Why does one person seem to get everything accomplished they desire during a day and another is stressed out of their mind with a lack of time issue? We all know this truth…..we all get 24 hours in a day. So what’s the difference?

I’m thinking that my answer will be taken flippantly by many as “oh yeah, I know that.” But, seriously, we may know it in our heads but we don’t believe it in our hearts. But, here it is….
It is the object of our Trust. You know God’s word tells us in Isaiah 26:3 -

Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Just think with me for a minute on this verse. It says in essence… God does keep in perfect peace those who have committed to focus on him, because they trust Him. Now let’s apply that to our day. This morning you woke up... What was the first thing on your mind? Was it God? Was there even a thought towards Him? Like “good morning, Father”? Like “thank you that your mercies are new every day”? Like “I exalt Your Name today, LORD”? Like “this is going to be a crazy day and I need you to guide me through it”? I think you get the picture. I would say most times we wake up with thoughts like “what time is it”? We hit the snooze button a few times. We start thinking, “I have to get the kids up, dressed, to school, work, or homeschool…the house, laundry, work deadlines, bible studies,” etc., etc. NONE of which are bad things. But, when we start out without a thought toward Him we are, without thinking about it, putting our trust in ourselves to accomplish all those things during the day. We leave Him out and we have no peace because our focus isn’t in resting in Him and His plan for our day but is on ourselves and others and the expectations we have placed upon ourselves and/or others to perform a certain way. Thus, time becomes a sub-focus because things are moving slower than we want or faster than we want and now our anxiety level grows and our self-condemnation of what we did or didn’t do in that 24 our period takes over. We lay our heads down at night exhausted, feeling like we missed something, frustrated with self and others and all the other junk we do when we are driven by the flesh.    

I love a term my sweet friend Iva May uses in her W3 discipleship material for women when she references the verse from Titus 2 about the older women training up the younger women. After giving a word study on admonish or train, she concludes with this statement: 

"She (the older woman) is to train the younger women to think sanely or with a saved mind; in a word, to be disciplined."

Girls (and guys reading this), when we “Keep our mind stayed on Him (trust Him)” from the moment we open our eyes until we close them daily, we will have perfect peace. Does that mean your day will be circumstance free of crazy stuff? No. It just means when our mind is stayed on Him and we trust Him and not ourselves, we think sanely and/or with a saved mind when we deal with the day. BIG DIFFERENCE!! Peace and time do have a cause and effect relationship so may I encourage us to keep your mind stayed on Him


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