Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I do this.....

My great nephew entered the world of the terrible two's this summer. I have to be honest and say I don't suspect we have experienced just how terrible it can be yet. ha,ha,ha,ha But, we are getting the aroma of it!

His big sentence in life right now consist of 3 words, "I do this". Translated let me do it myself or I am going to throw an ever loving fit that will cause others to think you are harming me! ha,ha,ha Harm is a word that comes to mind when he is acting this way but I know there are laws about that! ha,ha,ha,ha Previous to the "I do this" statements, when he couldn't verbalize yet, was the "wet noodle meltdown". Can we say dead weight! However, what is precious and brings a smile to my heart is when he is given room to "I do this" and he realizes he can't and he says, "help me" and/or "you help me".
I wonder how many time God looks at us as His children and observes as we do our two-year-old spiritual mentality version of "I do this" sentence. I am so thankful to know that our Abba is such a loving Father that He too will give us room to "I do this" but is there with His hand when we say, "help me". I suspect it brings a smile to His face as well.

Philippians 4:5b-6 (ESV)
The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Just want to keep you updated on Tanzania. We now have 26 missionary women sponsored. That leaves us with only 24 to go! Thank you for giving!

Love you all,


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