Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Stay Connected .....

This morning as I was getting my little great nephew ready for daycare I got tickled at his frustration over a nightlight in my mom's bedroom. He wanted to hold it but he also wanted it to light up. At 22 months he gets light and dark but he doesn't get the energy source that provides the light -  electricity.   I can also say with confidence that I don't get electricity either! ha,ha,ha  But I do know I need it to get the light to work. As he held it in his little hand saying, light, light, I tried to explain to him that we had to plug it back in to the wall socket (source) if he wanted it to light up. However, he couldn't hold it if it was plugged in to the wall so it was all very frustrating to him. 

As I think about him standing there this morning in his dilemma, I realize that we get that way in our relationship with God sometimes. We want His presence in our life, His blessing, His provision, His strength, His wisdom, His guidance, etc., etc. But we have a tendency to want to hold on to the things that keep us in the darkness. Next time you are feeling really frustrated and can't seem to walk away from it, be sure to check and see if you are plugged in to the source of power that will give you light in the situation.

John 8:12 (ESV)
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Please continue to pray and lift up the Burkina Faso Retreat in September and the Tanzania Retreat in November. The team members for the Burkina Faso Retreat are starting to come forward. It is always exciting to me to see how God works in putting a team together for a particular group of missionary women. He is Amazing!

Please remember all the individuals and families in prayer this week and the weeks to come that have lost loved ones, their homes and everything else to the tornados that have made a wicked path through the southern part of the U.S.   

Stay Connected….


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