Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Love is Truthful... and a "Heart" Story from Dominican Republic

Today, I want to start out with a BIG “PRAISE GOD!!!!” All our missionary women for the Dominican Republic trip have been sponsored as of this writing. Any monies received beyond today (Monday) will be put toward missionary women who will be attending our Prague Czech Republic trip in October. Thank you to all of you who have been obedient to pray faithfully and to give financially, and to all of you who have poured your hearts into those surprises that will be coming to the ladies in Dominican Republic. Blessings to all of you!!
This week we are looking at the 9th commandment, “You shall not give false testimony (witness) against your neighbor.” Some versions simply state, “You shall not lie.” The love command that goes with this verse is “Love is Truthful.” Please take time to catch up with our look at the 10 commandments by going to the week of March 22, 2012 and reading on through last week’s (http://purejoyinternational.blogspot.com/2012/03/love-is-loyal.html).

Here are the previous commandments we have covered. Remember the first four commandments are about how we should love God (and our spouse if married). The last six are about how we are to love our neighbors and ourselves.

1st Commandment “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:1-3).
Love Command: Love is Loyal

2nd Commandment “You shall not worship idols” (Exodus 20:4).
Love Command: Love is Faithful

3rd Commandment “You shall not take the name of the LORD in vain” (Exodus 20:7).
Love Command: Love is Reverent

4th Commandment “Keep the Sabbath holy” (Exodus 20:8).
Love Command: Love is Intimate

5th Commandment “Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12).
Love Command: Love is Respectful

6th Commandment “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13).
Love Command: Love is Harmless
7th Commandment is “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14).
Love Command: Love is Pure

8th Commandment “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15).
Love Command: Love is Selfless

9th Commandment: “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16).
Love Command: Love is Truthful

WOW! If ever we needed to hear the teaching of this commandment it is today. Not giving false testimony means in its simplest form, “Don’t lie.” I just read from an internet source where a gentleman put the meaning of the 9th commandment in this way (and I quote), “Don’t tell lies, don’t spread lies, and don’t live lies.” Bouncing off of his three comments, let me say it to you this way: Don’t tell lies and don’t be confused about what a lie is. If God’s word says it is green and anyone else calls it a different color then they are lying. Anything that goes against what God tells us about Himself, you, others, and the enemy is a LIE. This week I challenge you to take just a few moments and see how you are doing regarding this commandment. Are you lying to others? Are you lying to yourself? Are you living a lie at home, at work, in ministry, etc? Are you falsely flattering people to get your way? I think it would truly shock most of us if we got totally honest about this commandment. I’m afraid we have decided for ourselves what a lie is, instead of believing by doing what God’s word tells us. I have heard it taught throughout my walk with God the way they teach a teller in a bank to tell the difference between the real bill and the counterfeit bill is they study the real bill. Therefore when the counterfeit comes along they know the difference. That has been one of the nuggets I have hidden in my nugget bag in life. Study God’s word boldly! Therefore, when the lies come, you will know the difference. I also recall my very first pastor telling me this one day, “This book (The Bible) will keep you from sin. Sin will keep you from this book (The Bible). Think about that.

Dominican News

As we pack things up for leaving the country this coming Sunday I could not pass up sending you this last minute email I received from Erin, the young woman who is our contact person on the field and who has worked tirelessly with Linda (our Administrative Assistant with Pure Joy International) to get the details of the hotels, meals, and team transportation settled before we even leave this country. As you read her email that is just as she wrote, you might want to get a tissue.

I Love You All! Watch for the daily blogs that will begin next Sunday night and continue throughout the time we are out of the country.


This time last year I was just coming out of a fog. Now that I look back at it, I can see that it was as much a time of darkness as it was a time of uncertainty. I was recovering from the traumatic birth of my son that had left me hurting physically and emotionally. I suffered for months with physical complications that took me in and out of the hospital. I noticed that when I was in public my baby was no longer the little one and wondered when he had grown so quickly.

            He was seven months old and though I could mark the passed time on the calendar, I seemed shocked to admit to the reality of months lost. I was saddened that somehow I had missed out on his new start due to my physical illness and then recovery.

 The Dominican heat had arrived and I was looking for some sort of relief, from the heat and just from life. After a complicated process of rabbit trails and misinformation, I finally had the baby's passport and I was ready to abandon ship. My older son's school schedule and then our ministry's summer schedule would keep us from traveling until the fall.

In the fall we visited our family and a supporting church in the US for one week, and I returned to the DR feeling like I was given a drop of water when I was dying of thirst. It helped me survive but I needed more. I needed to be filled up spiritually. I needed a break from my 24 hour on call to ministry and demands of my family. "God,” I cried out, “I don't think I'm gonna make it!" I had wondered if what I was experiencing was madness. "This must be what you feel like right before you lose it!" I thought. But just about that time, a chatter began amongst some missionary friends of mine in Central America. A retreat in Peru, for missionary women. PURE JOY. Just the mention of it made my heart jump for joy. Missionaries in the field just like me looking to refill and refresh to share and to grow together. The website says "I will make springs in the desert, so that my chosen people can be refreshed..." Isaiah 43:20. Amazing! A spring and not just a drop of water! "This was just what I need," I sighed in relief then I heard God say, "Not now." The message was clear and I was mad. "I NEED IT NOW. I CANNOT WAIT ANYMORE! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME OUT HERE?" Feeling more defeated than obedient I listened and pouted. It was during the following months that I realized why God wanted me to wait.

             First, I believe he wanted me to see that though the body of Christ helps us when we are down, it is only God that can fill us up. I was grasping at people, books and events that could help me get back to Christ when really Christ was offering his own hand to me. I was searching for a savior but I already knew THE Savior. I already had a saving relationship with Christ, so I felt called to grow my relationship with Christ, personally. I realized that if I am rebuilding I should build on Christ the cornerstone. Pretty basic for a Christian but God was teaching me anew. Then I realized that if I felt this desperation, frustration in life and ministry I am sure there were others here in the DR that felt the same. When Vickie told me there were no plans to have a retreat in the DR but asked if I would like to help make it happen, I was delighted. By bringing Pure Joy to the DR I could be blessed and Pure Joy could bless missionaries throughout the country.

So since September that is what I have been doing. Rebuilding my relationship from the ground up and helping bring Pure Joy to the DR. I am so excited that we are so close to our time together. God is faithful to complete the work he has started in me. I am still not perfect and don't suppose I ever will be. I am still rebuilding and seeking God. I think it is a life long process, or so I hope. Some days we find each other and I delight in him. Other days I allow busy-ness in life's duties and responsibilities to distract me, then I miss him. But the fog is gone. The Light cut through the darkness and is showing his victory in my life and God is healing my spirit.

I am so thankful that God told me, "Not now," because his timing is perfect. I still need to be refreshed and I can't wait to drink sloppily from the springs. I love you all and I know that my heart couldn't be more ready to meet this group of missionary ladies. The Pure Joy team is amazing and I can't wait to meet them too, especially sweet Linda. I am bursting at the seams to see what God has in store for all of us.


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