Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just $40...

This morning when I got to the office I stepped next door to check on my friend that has an alteration business. We usually check on each other first thing in the morning and when one of us closes for the evening. As I was standing in her business a gentleman stepped in the door with a rather hurried manner about him, carrying a spray bottle. He immediately asked Ola, my friend, if she was the business owner. When she nodded yes it was like the gates opening at the Kentucky Derby. He was off and running. He could not tell us enough about the miracle powers of the cleaner in his spray bottle. Truly we could not get a word in edge-wise because he was so busy showing us all that this cleaning liquid could do. Now don’t get me wrong. I was totally getting excited about this stuff. In fact, about the time he had me in his corner my client drove up. “Ok, I’d like to talk more with you about this but I have a client waiting. However, I will take your brochure and read it and call you later.” Oh, you can’t, he said. I am leaving for St. Louis when I leave here. “Ok, then come back by when you are back in town.” Not coming back. “Ok, then I’ll take a bottle.” ($1 - I’d be crazy not to!) He then tells me we only sell it by the gallon jug. (Really). “How much for a gallon jug?” Just $40 a jug. (Really!)

Immediately within a millimeter of a second the following thought flashes through my head. If this stuff was real it would be worth the investment to purchase it. But there is no way to check this guy out and he really appears to be in a hurry for a quick buck. For all I know his bottle of cleaner is the real deal for sure and the rest could just be glorified water. So, I quickly acknowledged to him that I didn’t have $40 and went to tend to my client.

As I thought about this later on this morning I thought about how easily people can sell us something that sounds good and even looks good but it is all a deception. Hmmmm, does that story sound familiar.

I can never encourage us enough to BE IN THE WORD OF GOD!!! The ONLY things that will prevent us from being deceived in these latter days are the Word of God and the Holy Spirit!

So beware this time of year for scams! But be even more aware all the time for the enemy to try and deceive daily! He is going to get more cunning in these latter days. KNOW THE TRUTH ….INSIDE AND OUT!


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