Monday, January 11, 2010


That’s a word most of us don’t like to hear and most of us have experienced financially and or may still be experiencing. I suspect we are a lot like the servant in the story in Matthew 18:19-35 when he pleads with his master to be patient with him and he will pay all the debt.

Today, we continue our look at the Lord’s Prayer with our thoughts turned towards the black print.

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,

Wow! Would it be so unbelievable to those of us who have debt, no matter whether small or large, if someone came up to us right now and said, “Don’t worry I’ve taken care of ‘all’ your debt. You are debt free. Most of us would not be able to believe it but would be more than willing to say, "great!" Some of us would say, "I can’t receive that from you, it is not your debt". Others of us might say, "this isn’t your debt but I really need it so, yes I will receive it".

That is kind of how we are with Jesus and the debt He has paid for us. Some people will say, "you want to take care of that for me great I’m in". (No true salvation here!) Some would say, "it’s not your debt and I can take care of it myself". (No true salvation here - works) And even fewer will say, "yes I am in over my head I have a debt I can not pay and will receive the offer". (True salvation……Admit the problem, Believe He paid it all, Confess you are a sinner in need of a Savior!)

Oh, how I Praise Him that He has paid it all! No matter the cost it’s covered! Coming to the absolute depth of this truth should bring us to our faces before Him!

Hope everyone is starting this year out with a commitment to be in His word daily! Remember to pray for our missionaries all over the world and remember to pray for Pure Joy. I’m ready to be on the road visiting some of your churches.

Pray and if it’s God, call me!


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