The Jeff Stotts family (that’s mine) spent two consecutive weeks in July on the road. First, we traveled with two other families and two extra teenagers to Reynosa, Mexico to minister at Rio Bravo Ministries Children’s Home. It was hot, hard, exhausting and WONDERFUL! We conducted a Music VBS – Wade accompanied on the guitar, Jeff and I led the Music rotation (singing everything in Spanish with a NE Arkansas twist), Will helped with the youngest group and Melody helped in crafts and teaching the motions to the songs. It was an amazing experience for our family. As we left there I hoped that the Lord would call us there to serve full-time. I just knew He was calling me

After the long drive home, we had one day to prepare to leave for a family vacation to Gatlinburg. I had many expressions of concern from friends about how we were going to be ready to leave; how I would get the laundry done and packed, etc. I believe it was God’s plan that we be gone two weeks in a row. After the mountaintop experience we had in Mexico, we were sitting in the middle of the gorgeous Smoky Mountains. God’s glory was everywhere. We each spent time with the Lord every morning and shared what He was showing us. Wade was reading a book called “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan. Before you call and scold me for letting him read something with that title, let me share the subtitle, “Overwhelmed by a relentless God”. He read the whole book in one day. (I’m hoping he can count it in his summer reading requirement for Junior English this Fall.) Anyway, he passed it on to me and said, “Mom, you gotta read it”. Well, I started it, still pondering and glowing about Mexico and again, wishing we could just go there and make our lives really count for God. Well, “Crazy Love” is worth the read. But Chapter Four held my attention for many days. Even after we returned from our Gatlinburg vacation, I read and re-read it. “Profile of the Lukewarm” is the title of the chapter. It is 20 pages of “Lukewarm is . . .” with scripture following each one.
Through that reading God has revealed to me that I am willing to move Mexico, or even to move across town to a less desirable neighborhood to minister in His name, but what about where I live right now! What impact have I made for eternity with those who are right here around me? When He showed me that, He prompted me to call my neighbor who has visited our church, and invite her to my “Life Group” (Sunday School Class). You know what – she came! Gloria Dios! (that means Glory to God in NE Arkansas Spanish) There are a few other things I’m feeling led to do in my neighborhood. Please pray for me because I know the good I ought to do and I want to do it – James 4:17 Wendy paraphrase.
“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ ‘This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38
“And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39
Because of Jesus –
Wendy Stotts
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