Saturday, December 31, 2016

Going into 2017 Let Others and Yourself Off the Hook......

As we come to the end of the year I would like to encourage you regarding an issue we all deal with to some degree or another. Forgiveness toward others and ourselves.
Forgiveness is a powerful thing. How powerful you might ask? Well...
          • It requires death. In the case of Jesus, it required His death on the cross that our sins might be forgiven.
          • For you and me it requires death to self (our flesh).
          • It requires humility. In the case of Jesus, He yielded to His Father’s sending Him to earth.
          • For you and me it requires admitting that we are human (therefore, not perfect) and not just merely saying the words but believing that truth.
I suppose there isn’t a person among us if you are alive and breathing that hasn’t either been hurt/wounded by someone and/or been the one responsible for hurting/wounding someone else. It is just part of life because as I stated above none of us is perfect. Therefore, that positions us for either needing to forgive someone and/or needing someone to forgive us. Well, you can’t make someone forgive you but you can ask for forgiveness when you know you are the one that did something wrong. And you can give forgiveness if someone ask you for it.

Nothing will make you a hateful/bitter person more than the poison of unforgiveness towards others. And nothing prevents you from moving forward in your walk with God like the poison of not forgiving yourself. So, if you are hooked by unforgiveness towards others or self, Give It Up for 2017! Chose to walk in an attitude of Forgiveness in 2017 and let others and yourself off the hook. We at Pure Joy International want to “Thank” all of our Friends, Supporters, Partners, and above all the Most High God for all the lives that have been touched and changed for His Kingdom this past year as we have journeyed together. We pray that the year 2017 will see His named lifted on high more than ever in our life time that all men might be drawn to Him.

Revelation 4:8 (ESV)
8  And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Final Christmas Trees and Traditions/stories blog for this Christmas Season....

"Such a fun thing seeing all of these trees from all over the world! Thank you for all you do at Pure Joy International!! Merry Christmas to all from Manila (Capital of the Philippines). The conference in KL has changed my life and I still bring up things learned in conversation all the time. God bless you all for your faithful service. Here's our tree and some beautiful trees around Manila. And a nativity made from electrical wiring at the electric company! Manila is decked out for the holidays from September to January. It's really a fun place to be for the holidays!"  Nikki

Our tree

Nativity made from electrical wiring

Hi! Here is our little tree in Tansen Nepal. Merry Christmas!

"As I was traveling from NC to TX several days ago, I stayed with a friend of mine in GA.  Jenny had this intentional, thoughtful Christmas tree displayed in her living room.
The tree is shaped both as a cross and also as a triangle to symbolize the Godhead. On the cross structure are significant symbols of the Messiah's coming: a manger, an icthus fish, star of David, Water of Life, Bread of Life, crown, Word, etc." Robin
"My Christmas tradition for my Awana workers??" Debbie G.
That last picture makes me want to be an Awana worker at that their church! Ha, Ha, Ha
This wraps our Christmas Trees and Tradition/Stories for the Holidays. I pray for each and every one of you that you will have a sweet time of Celebrating the Birth of our Savior this Christmas Sunday. As I have said before, Christmas is a bitter sweet time for many. We are celebrating our Savior's coming in to this World. John 3:16. But, we are also mindful of those that have passed away and are not celebrating with us for the first time, and/or those that cannot get back home for Christmas due to distance, military service, etc. Also, many families are fragmented and in conflict with one another. Whatever is the bitter part for you (if there is one) this year, please remember, He cares for you and His eye is on you. Our Father is clear in His Word, He will never forsake us no matter how we “feel”. The truth is He is right there with us in all things good, hard, and bad. Look up my dear ones and See the God of this Universe. He Loves You with an Unending LOVE!

Exciting update on Central Europe trip... Registration opened yesterday. We have 10 missionary women signed up with 7 of those being sponsored as of today (Wednesday). Thank you for your giving towards these frontline soldiers. So much they are up against that can never be shared. Pray for them weekly please. If you watch the news you know things are dangerous for them in that part of the world right now. You don’t have to know their name because HE does! But please do lift them up and that the word continues to get out to all the women God would have be in attendance, come February. Again, here is the link to donate towards the Central Europe trip.

The Board, Staff and Advisors of Pure Joy International Wish You and Yours ......


Monday, December 19, 2016


Just a quick note to let those of you serving as M’s in the area of Central Europe and or that have family members that are serving in that area that registration for the February 22-25, 2017, Pure Joy International Conference opens Tuesday December 20, 2016.

If you know an “M” woman serving in that area that could use a conference to be encouraged, please forward this information to her.
Go to www.purejoyinternational to register. We will go to a waiting list after the first 50 women are registered.
For those of you following our Christmas Tree pictures and traditions/stories I will post one last blog later this week (smile) of pictures sent in. So if you still have one to share get it to me at

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Trees and Celebration Stories Continue.....

We decorate the tree together as a
family while listening to
Christmas music and eating
Christmas cookies :) 
Lindsey Tulsa, OK

This tree in from Becky in Ukraine....
Our holidays are all about making
memories. It will be the first year without
our oldest son, James.
This is from Debra located
in Central Europe.
The Christmas tree at our house
in Tepotzotlan, Mexico. Diana
Color in decorations and piñatas! 
Most everyone has a nativity
scene/displayin their home
often under the Christmas tree. 

Debbie H. sends this picture too
 of her family’s Christmas tree from Mexico. 

She adds, this ornament is handmade
 by some sweet ladies in Guatemala.

Today, I had a very sweet prayer time praying for all you.  Please continue to share your trees and stories. 
Love you all and praying special prayers for those of you that are dealing with the loss of a loved one for the first time this Christmas. 


Note: For those of you wanting to donate to the Central Europe trip we continue to put the link on the blog page for your convenience. 


Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Tree pictures and Celebration stories...

Thank you that several of you have already taken seriously my request that you send in pictures of your trees and/or Christmas traditions.
The first response came from Dalene that lives in Germany:
Here is my tree from Germany.
Romans 8:28

The second response came in from North Carolina: 
Bless-ed Christ-mas celebrating Jesus! Love, Shan
The third response came in from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sylvia said:
Our Christmas tree has had 100 handmade lambs (99 white & 1 black)
 plus about 150 miniature Peruvian hats on it since the early 80s.
The fourth response came in from Texas from my dear friend, Phyllis:
My friend of over 40 years bought me my first village church house
and we have added 1 item every year since.
I have a Christmas tree, but I love my village
because it has so many special memories of each past year.
The fifth response to come in is from our contact person from Athens, Greece. She is our eyes and feet regarding logistics until we get there in February.  Jamie wrote:
Here is our tree ;-)
One tradition here in Greece is to decorate with boats,
there are beautiful ones in people's windows
and in the square of the parliament;
it is supposed to represent our journey for the next year,
especially with Christ.
Please continue to send in pictures of Christmas Trees and/or stories. I will try to post them accordingly. It is interesting to hear how we celebrate and the traditions we have, too.
Also, thank you to those that have started to give towards the sponsorship of missionaries that will be attending the Athens, Greece Conference. Several of you like having the link on the blog to be able to make donations without having to look for the page on the web, so I am asking Mary to put the link in the blog going forward. 
I pray all of you have a wonderful week in the LORD! 
Celebrating our Savior's Story,

Friday, December 9, 2016

Christmas Fun and Challenge...

I thought we could do something fun for the next couple of weeks as we make our way through celebrating the Amazing Birth of our Savior! I would love for you to send me pictures of your Christmas Tree, and/or a picture of how Christmas is celebrated in your country if not in the U.S.  

This is our tree for the year being fully guarded by Toby the pony. (smile) Please take time to send in your pictures to me at and I will post them on our blog in the days leading up to Christmas.

Also, a reminder to not get so caught up in things going on around Christmas that we lose sight of the biblical truth... you and I were born into this world with a problem. We didn’t cause the problem and we can’t fix it.  It is called “Sin.” We inherited that problem from Adam and Eve’s poor decision making in the garden (Genesis Chapter 3). Man has tried to fix the problem on his own all the way back to the Garden when Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves loin cloths to cover their sin. God’s answer to that problem in the garden was the “shedding of the blood of the innocent on behalf of the guilty” when in Genesis 3:21 it tells us God made them garments of skin and clothed them. God’s answer to that for you and me was the “shedding of the blood of the innocent (JESUS) on behalf of the guilty (You and Me) on the cross.”

So, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas season may the words of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life,” speak to your heart. HE is the Answer. I love the words of the song, “Mary Did You Know?” Think on these words then Celebrate HIM this Season!!

Mary did you know that your baby boy will someday walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you’ve delivered, will soon deliver you.

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God.

Mary did you know, Mary did you know, Mary did you know
The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb

Mary did you know that your baby boy is LORD of all creation?
Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations?
Did you know your baby boy was heaven’s perfect Lamb?
The sleeping child you’re holding is the Great I AM.

Mary did you know, Mary did you know, Mary did you know
                 (written by Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene)

Please also remember that we are beginning preparations for our Central Europe trip in February. The team is formed and registration will be opening for the missionary women to register in the next couple of weeks. Please prayerfully consider giving towards sponsorship of the women that will be attending from that part of the world. They need a place to get away and be refreshed and encouraged through the Word of God and fellowship with other believers. As you know, we put them up for 4 days and 3 nights free of charge to them. They do have to provide their own transportation through flights, buses, cars, trains, etc., to and from the venue. If you are interested in giving towards their sponsorship, please click this link If you didn’t see last week’s blog and the impact of your prayers, giving, gifting, and going please go back and view it. It is worth the time.

Love you all… and please don’t forget to send pictures of your trees and/or celebration decorations!

Celebrating the Birth of JESUS because He saved my life!!!





Thursday, December 1, 2016

What they said....

Last week I shared with you that we would have a video for you to hear some of the missionary women in Mexico talking about what the conference meant to them. We could not show you the ones from Southeast Asia trips in April and September due to security reasons. So, it is with great “joy” we share with you this video. We like for you to get to hear the difference you are making throughout the world as you partner with us. Please enjoy the fruits of your labor of prayer, going, gifting, and giving.

  Click here for video 

As many are preparing for the Christmas season we are also in the process of preparing for our next Conference which will take place in Athens, Greece, in February of 2017. Please begin now to let any of your family members and/or friends that are missionaries in that part of the world know that we will be opening registration in the next several weeks. They can go to to learn more. Also, please begin to prayerfully seek the LORD about giving towards the sponsorship of the missionary women for this trip.