Ok, so like I thought I would get a jump on Patty being on me about blogging this week. And unless I hear from her in the next 20 minuets I will have succeeded, because it takes me about that long to figure out what I’m saying here. You know I must admit there are times I envy (yes, I know it is sin, forgive me!) some of my friends that are capable of writing so very well. There are days I am not sure I am communicating well in real life much less in writing! I get tickled at some of my friends that just think blogging is so much fun. That must be a portion in my brain that is missing. The only thing that motivates me (beside Patty giving me the “you need to blog statement and look”) is all of you! I do like talking with you, and sharing with you.
So, speaking of sharing, we are doing a major big garage sale to raise money to help sponsor some of our missionaries that are coming to Venezuela. I want to challenge some of you to have a garage sale and pave the way for a missionary to come to the retreat. And then I would like to hear some of you on this blog sharing what God did through your effort. Pure Joy has scheduled our garage sale for June 14, 2008. And I can promise you we will be blogging about it! Did I tell you I’m not big on garage sales and the like? However, my Mom and my Aunt can leave you in the dust when it comes to a bargain! I actually see women and men take great joy in preparing for garage sales. Hmmmm, guess that portion of my brain is missing too. I better end this blog before we figure out I’m missing my entire mind! Ha,ha,ha,
Weekly comments from Vickie Arruda, founder of Pure Joy International. Keep up to date on what is going on in Vickie's life and the life of the ministry
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Clovis, New Mexico ... Sweet Time

The theme for the conference was “Get a Job”. As you suspect it was about getting on with the work of the kingdom in the body of Christ. The morning message was “Are you qualified to be a worker in the kingdom”? Hmmmm… good question. We have to have qualifications to work in the secular world. We also talked briefly about what happens when a person gets a job where they aren’t qualified. How does that affect those that work with them, etc.
So, in case you are curious about what those qualifications were, Jesus identified them for us in the Book of John chapter 3:5-6. “Truly, Truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” So physical birth (your mom gave you that no matter the circumstances). Spiritual birth (only God can give you that no matter the circumstances).
In the afternoon message we talked about things that keep us from working in the kingdom. We had fun looking at some of the excuses people come up with in real life about why they aren’t working and or missing work. It is equally as interesting to see why we some aren’t working in the kingdom. We looked at many different angles. We talked of the enemy’s hand to keep us unavailable for work, etc.
As we sought Him together, some became qualified workers, some got free to start showing up for work, some really begin to see that God has a ministry for all of us and I suspect some finally were able to settle the issue that they may be serving in the wrong area and need God to direct them to the right position.

Lot’s of fun with girls that love Jesus! We had a very good praise and worship band. Truthfully, it was an example to the ladies that attended to see the body of Christ working together to minister to them through hospitality, administration, serving, worship, teaching, etc.

Please remember to pray for Venezuela as we have almost 20 missionary women that have signed up for this so far and we are not even close to our dead line for registration. God is so good. If you would like to become a prayer partner and personally be praying for some of these women by name please go to www.purejoyinternational.org and click on the Register as a Friend button to become a prayer partner.
Well, we continue at our church to do the study by Beth Moore on “Stepping Up”. I tell you it is a great study and it is killing me!! In a good way!! You have to love how God uses others to mold and shape us to be able to minister to others. I’d have to say that this study has for sure been a sculpting knife in my tool box. Praise God again for all of you that use your gifts for the building up and edifying of the body of Christ!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Spring has sprung ... NOT!
Ok, so I don’t know what is going on where you are but I am suppose to be comfortably wearing Capri’s and sandals, etc. But noooooo… Today, again I had to throw on a turtle neck under my blouse to keep me comfortably warm. And for those of you that can relate the most annoying thing is that you seem to never have a hot flash when it would be convenient for you. It is always when it is convenient for the hot flash. Hmmp. There is something to be said for those places some of you live in where the temperatures steady year round. But, then again you are probably missing the snow, or spring flowers, or something. Figures, doesn’t it.
Things continue to keep coming together for the Venezuela retreat. God is so good to have given us a wonderful contact person on the field there. He has been a blessing in working diligently with our team here to work out details. The dates of the retreat are fixed Oct. 7-9, 2008. Right now we are praying though our days on the front and back of the retreat. It is going to be a pretty tight trip as far as travel. Prayer warriors stay strong in the battle, (yes, battle), because any work that is done at His direction is under attack! Remember, along with others around you, that you are about the business of kingdom work, as I know God is keeping perfect watch care over each pair of eyes reading this blog.
I want to encourage you ladies out there concerning 2009. We have 4 potential retreats coming up. That means the opportunity for many of you to be a part of this ministry through your church is great. Please contact me if you are impressed by God’s leading to be involved in GOING. Send me contact information so we can talk.
Don’t forget to pray for our missionary women stationed all over the world, their marriages, family, health, friendship, needs, and above all else their hearts as they serve our Risen Savior for His Glory and kingdoms’ sake.
Things continue to keep coming together for the Venezuela retreat. God is so good to have given us a wonderful contact person on the field there. He has been a blessing in working diligently with our team here to work out details. The dates of the retreat are fixed Oct. 7-9, 2008. Right now we are praying though our days on the front and back of the retreat. It is going to be a pretty tight trip as far as travel. Prayer warriors stay strong in the battle, (yes, battle), because any work that is done at His direction is under attack! Remember, along with others around you, that you are about the business of kingdom work, as I know God is keeping perfect watch care over each pair of eyes reading this blog.
I want to encourage you ladies out there concerning 2009. We have 4 potential retreats coming up. That means the opportunity for many of you to be a part of this ministry through your church is great. Please contact me if you are impressed by God’s leading to be involved in GOING. Send me contact information so we can talk.
Don’t forget to pray for our missionary women stationed all over the world, their marriages, family, health, friendship, needs, and above all else their hearts as they serve our Risen Savior for His Glory and kingdoms’ sake.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Egypt forever in my Heart and Venezuela on the horizon…

Greetings friends of Pure Joy from this small corner of the world.
I apologize for the silence for so long. Truthfully, soon after our trip to Costa Rica I left on a trip to Egypt to minister with a ministry called Rock International that ministers to street children. Ruth McWhite one of our Pure Joy board members accompanied me on the trip so I would not be traveling alone and to bring her expertise to ministering to others as well. I had the privilege of providing some training for some of the nationals that have a heart to work with the street kids. Please remember the nationals in prayer for we have NO clue what they are up against in their journey to reach these kids for Christ. And trust me when I say Christ is their only hope. Christ is our only hope too, but you actually get that when you are among this culture! This is my second week since returning from Egypt and I can gladly say that I am finally beginning to rise up out of the depression that set in on me after my return. I am still gleaning from the LORD things I saw and was exposed to while there. On the brighter side I met some absolutely wonderful people that love our Lord and Savior and are serving Him diligently. Praise God for the opportunities to see Him at work throughout this world!!!
Changing gears ………Calling in all prayer friends:
Details are coming together as we prepare for our next retreat which will be in Venezuela. Please begin to pray as the sponsoring churches, team members, and details begin to unfold on this side. Also, pray for our ladies in Venezuela to hear of this opportunity and register on line at www.purejoyinternational.org. Our theme for Venezuela is “Love Story” The Power of the Cross. Our verse is 1 Cor 1:18, for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Please begin to pray as God brings the speakers for this retreat, the praise and worship team, hospitality persons, activity persons, etc. Pray for all our arrangements in Venezuela to continue to fall in to place and pray that God will give us favor at every turn. Pray about if you are also to help sponsor a missionary to this retreat. Our cost per missionary this trip has gone up $50 dollars due to the economy of the country. Cost per missionary is $400 to provide for their room and board in a nice environment, materials for the conference, gifts, etc. for three days two nights. I encourage you to pray about teaming up with some of your girlfriends and sponsoring a missionary for this trip. See the web site above to learn how to be a part of this ministry through giving.
I am headed to Clovis, New Mexico in a few weeks to minister with a ministry called “Spiritual Seekers”. I have had the opportunity to minister with them in the Oklahoma/Texas area in the past. This will be my first time with the New Mexico girls! Please pray as I continue to prepare messages based on their theme, “Get a Job!!” The topic has to do with the obvious ‘servanthood’ in the body of Christ. Yes, God did prepare in advance those good works He intended us to do. Pray that as a result of our time together the ladies will realize that God is intentional and He has gifted us each for his purposes. Meaning, no one has ever invited me to head up their hospitality ministry! To know me is to know why! However, God does intend for me to have a heart of hospitality. He just doesn’t really want me decorating the table or anything else. He has however taught me many things over the years about hospitality from some of you Martha Stewarts that I really appreciate!
Keep checking the blog for updates on the Venezuela retreat.
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