Monday, September 16, 2024

Mongolia Registration Is Closed As Time Draws Near…


Registration for the Mongolia Retreat closed Friday September 13, 2024. The final details of preparations are happening these last 3 weeks as the Mongolian Team is busy with each task to be finished out.

It is with great joy that we have been preparing our hearts for this journey. We are so excited about the women that will be attending the retreat. Some of them have joined us before many, many, years ago.  But mostly, we have new faces to meet as well.  Thanks to all of you that have been meeting to pray weekly, praying daily, taking time to do or make something special for the ladies, women from local churches that have come together to provide gifts of all sorts, etc. Also, thank you for those that your gift is giving. There is still time to give towards supporting missionary women  that are attending the retreat. Go to  and scroll down to donations for more information.

Please keep the team and ladies attending in your prayers. We fly out on Oct. 4, 2024. Mark that on your calendars, pray our flights go well, and we get there with all the things we left here with. (smile)

Appreciate each and every one of you…



A thought to ponder by A.W. Tozer:

We take a convert and immediately make a worker out of him. God never meant it to be so. God meant that a convert should learn to be a worshipper and after that he can learn to be a worker. The work done by a worshipper will have eternity in it.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Mongolia Prepares For The Olympics While Pure Joy International Prepares For Mongolia…


Mongolia's opening and closing ceremony outfits for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Michel Amazonka

The internet has chosen its new favorite national uniform at the forthcoming Paris 2024 Olympics: Mongolia’s.

Featuring intricately embroidered vests, pleated robes and accessories inspired by traditional attire, the country’s opening and closing ceremony outfits have taken social media by storm since being unveiled last week.

The designs are the work of Michel&Amazonka, an Ulaanbaatar-based label producing couture and ready-to-wear garments that “express the essence of Mongolian tradition and culture” in what the brand calls a “contemporary light.” (by Oscar Holland, CNN )

How exciting for our Mongolia Team to see a glimpse of Mongolian culture before we ever step foot into their country. This is a country full of cultural traditions that bring out the beauty of country, colors, and people.

The Mongolia Team continues to work on preparations for our trip in Oct. Thank you already to those that have been praying, giving, going, and gifting as you come alongside us on this journey.

We still have room for more missionary sign-ups for this trip. So, continue to get the word out to your international missionary friends in that part of the world that serve cross-culturally outside their country of origin. Just go to our web site to register

Please pray specifically for the team as they prepare worship, messages, testimonies, hospitality, and other things God puts on our hearts for this particular trip, for this time, and season.

Praying for you our Pure Joy Family and Friends for God to bless you as you have been and are a blessing to us.



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mongolia Registration Open…


Well, it is official. We have opened up online registration for Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The dates for the Pure Joy International Retreat are Oct. 9-12, 2024. Please remember we top out at 50 and go to a waiting list. So, first come first serve.

If you have any questions, please contact me at  

 If you know any missionary women serving cross-culturally in that part of the world, please help get the word out. Might want to go to your world map to see where Mongolia is located. (smile)

The Mongolia Team is already starting to take care of business on this end. If you partner with us in prayer, gifting, and giving please be praying about how God would have you participate. Let me know if you are interested in being a part of what God is doing in Mongolia.

As I close out this blog post I am mindful of the families that lost a young missionary couple in Haiti to the gangs this past week, pray for those families. Also, so many families have experienced loss of homes, loved ones, whole communities with all the Tornados across the mid-section of the U.S. And do not forget the land slide in Papua New Guinea that took the lives of over 2,000 this past week.

In our recent trip to York, England our theme from there keeps rising up in my soul. This World is Not Our Home. May we be ever mindful of this truth and stay the course to keep walking out HIS plans for our lives.



2 Corinthians 4:16-18

So, we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Home again but praying for Mongolia ahead…

First, I want to say thank you to all of you that supported Pure Joy International Retreat Ministry in any way for our trip to York, England.

Then I want to thank Kim Roberson, our Public Relations person, for keeping you all in the loop for the time we were gone. God was as always faithful to accomplish His good will and purpose for the trip. In fact, I suspect several of you have already received some feedback from some of the missionary women. But if not, here are just a few comments sent in…

“The conference was such a time of refreshing for me. I have just been through the toughest year of ministry in my life, but God used all of you to help lift my spirits. I am so thankful and grateful that you are allowing God to use you to encourage missionaries on the field.

As I think of you all, I am reminded of Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. He considered these people his partners in serving Christ. He says, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” Philippians 1:3-6.”

“The Lord used this retreat to break me in the best of ways and I pray that I go forward walking closer to Him than ever before. I came back “home” to the field more encouraged and focused than I had when I arrived. Your prayers were felt and I’m so grateful for each and every one of them. Thank you for being a part of this retreat and thank you for investing in the life of missionaries on the field. I know that you have, without a doubt, made an everlasting impact on myself and in turn my family and our ministry.”

Those comments will continue to come to us and you throughout the weeks ahead as everyone settles back into their routines. Keep an eye out.

Also, don’t let up on prayers for Pure Joy International Retreat Ministry. Several of the team came back from the trip with a touch of a virus and are just now stepping back into real life. Please pray for all to get well!

Especially pray for our Staff as we gear up for Mongolia in the fall. We are presently trying to lock in a location for the Retreat. Pray as we make decisions in the next week. Encouragement is greatly needed for our M’s serving in this part of the world. Pray we can lock in a location asap.

Remember, someone you cross paths with today needs encouragement whether you know it or not. Give away a smile, a hug, a card, a text, phone call etc. You never know but He does. Be sensitive to His leadership.


Sunday, April 21, 2024


 Follow us on FaceBook at Pure Joy International  this week for more updates on our trip!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

York, England – Day 2

We are in York with ALL of our luggage and trunks, God is s good! The team is exhausted after a long day and night of travel but so very happy to be here!

Sharon gave our team devotion at lunch. She told us about John Bunyan who grew up 3 hours from York. Bunyan authored Pilgrams Progress. If you don’t know his story, look it up or better yet read it to your children and grandchildren.

We spent a few hours doing some conference prep this afternoon. Tomorrow after church we will do some sightseeing and learn more about the rich history here.

Pray for the team to sleep well tonight. Continue to pray for the ladies preparing to attend the conference this next week.

In Christ,
Kim Roberson
Public Relations Pure Joy International Retreat Ministry


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Headed to the Airport…

York, England team is leaving the country tomorrow April 19, 2024.  We will arrive in York, England Saturday 6 hours ahead of CST.   The team will do some sightseeing and get to know each other a little more before the women arrive for the retreat.

While we are on the field Kim Roberson our Public Relations staff person will make sure you get some daily updates on the blog along with some pictures.

Remember, if you have been praying for us, giving, gifting , helped with anything along the way for this trip you are as much a part of the team as those of us that will step onto the field in UK.

Pray for safe flights, on time flights, and sweet times of fellowship along the way tomorrow. Also, pray for us to get the sleep we need to get on plane to prevent jet lag.

Keep your eyes on the blog this week! 

We love you all…
