Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Walking in the Light of a Friend...

"When the light of Christ is unable to shine through in your life......walk in the light of a friend until it does!"

Many years ago I was one of the teachers for a retreat held at a large encampment.  There were probably 2,000 +  women in attendance.  We would begin the evening with praise and worship followed by a main speaker. Then we would break out into many small groups that you could go to based on your interest.  Well, this particular evening as I was leaving one teaching area to go to another area I realized it had gotten really dark in that hour of time.  The teaching areas could be a significant distance apart over rock, paths, roads, etc.  As I started to gently move across the path, a young lady came up beside me with a flashlight and said, "hey, you can walk in my light."  That statement really hung on my heart that night and marinated for days.  Of course, she meant literally I could share the light of her flashlight as we walked side by side.  But for days I could only think of all the spiritual applications to the statement she made.

I don't know about you but most times I am "walking in the light" loving Jesus and trusting Him with life and all its circumstances.  Then all a sudden -  BOOM - lights out!  Something happens...divorce, family issues, loss of job, death , tornados (as we have seen this past week in our area), wayward child, alcohol, drugs, and or maybe someone has hurt you, disappointed you, lied about you, etc.   Whatever it is.....the light’s out!  You can't see anything; you feel like you’re tripping all over the place;  you feel alone, cut off, distant, and that nobody knows you’re missing  - then BAM....someone comes along with encouragement.  They aren't in the dark (for this season) so they bring the light that allows you to be able to walk out of the darkness in their light until you can see again.  

So, if you are in the dark because of life circumstances as you read this please know this is an ok time to say to a friend......."Can you share a light?"

Love you all,


p.s.  Tomorrow  I will be having lunch with a contact person for our Burkina Faso trip in September.  Please pray for that meeting and that God will give me clarity on several issues.

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