Monday, July 8, 2013

North East Asia Here We Come...

This is a big week for us here at Pure Joy.  We are locking in lots of details for our trip in September.  The team is in place pending one person.  She is waiting on the final word from her husband.  I don't know if I have shared this with you recently but it is always worth revisiting.  There are two sets of criteria we use to bring a team member on board for a trip. 

1.  God  -  You have to believe with everything in you that God has called you to be on this particular trip.  There will always be (as long as God allows it) more trips.  What we care about is that you are on the trip God has led you to be on.  We aren't looking for women that just want to travel, go out of the country, or go to a particular area because that would be fun and/or cool.  We are looking  for women that we know God has placed in their heart a relentless desire to be on the particular trip He has led them to - even to the point that they can't really put words to it,  they just know that not to go would be disobedient.   You have those kinds of hearts on a team and you have God's ministry team for that particular trip.  Now that is exciting to me!!!!

2.  Husband  -   Secondly, if you are married then we must have your husband's blessing for you  to be on the trip.   God's word is clear that your husband is a covering over you.  If that covering is not ok with you being out of the country, away from the family, then we cannot say yes to that.  We believe God is a God of order and if we honor Him and His order of things He will honor the ministry and you.

I jokingly tell the team members that if something goes wrong on the trip and they don't make it back alive, then I don't want to have to deal with God or a husband about it and feel guilty the rest of my life.  On the other hand if they don't come back alive and God gave them a yes to go and their husband gave them a yes to go, then I will feel bad but not guilty. ha,ha,ha,ha

3.  Single -  If you are single then God's word tells us in Isaiah 54:5 (ESV) “For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is His name.”  If God gives you a go ahead then you get a two in one covering!  Gotta love that!  I think Paul was talking about this in I Corinthians 7 when he basically says it is easier to follow Christ when you aren't distracted by other things, marriage being one of them.  Not saying it is a bad thing to be married because it is obviously a God thing!  But, saying it brings lots of responsibilities that can be a distraction.  You get the point!

All of that being said, the team is together,  pending one.  I am so excited!  I always love watching God go to work with the team He puts into place.  Every team is different and every team is unique.  And when we leave the country I'm always pleased knowing we have God's group for the particular group of missionary women we will be ministering to!  So, exciting! 

Speaking of the women, we have 30 women registered as of this writing!  God is bringing the women in as He sees fit!  He also knows who needs to be at this retreat and their needs based on what we will be bringing to them.  I am still crazy (in a good way, ha,ha) about our theme , "He Sees".   Just meditate on those two words along with what you know about Him whether it be a lot or a little and it will stretch your mind!!

Speaking of our minds, let me leave you with something a family member shared with me this past week that her pastor in Virginia  spoke from the pulpit regarding "love" and "truth".

Truth without Love is - Arrogance
Love without Truth is  - Negligence
Truth with Love is  - Guidance

Now that will preach!!!  Have a wonderful week!  Don't forget to pray for our North East Asia trip, the women, the team, and all the details that must get taken care of before we leave the country.  Be in the Word Daily!!! It's the best Vitamin you will ever take!!

Love you all,



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