Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Home Again...

The Dominican Republic team made it home safely! We were all securely in bed by 1:00 a.m. Monday morning, I suspect. In talking with some of the team members, it seems we were in and out of sleep comas all day Monday. Ha, ha, ha!

Again, I tell you the team had so much fun laughing and reminiscing on the plane and over dinner at the airport about our Dominican Republic girls. We also loved it that you were already giving money to pay it forward to the missionary women in Prague for the next retreat in October. You gave us money before we left the country, and one of you has already used on-line giving. Just so you girls can know...You have already sponsored one missionary and the head, arms, and legs of a second one! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Thank you for paying it forward. Also, thank you for paying forward the information about Pure Joy to your missionary friends; and thank you to those of you that have sent me a contact person to pray over for other missionary women in other countries. Thank you for being willing to give and thank you for learning to ‘receive’ this past week!!

Thank you also for the affirmation and awesome words of gratitude that are pouring in from you. It was our greatest joy as a team to be able to pour out into your lives the very things we believe God poured into our lives to share with you. He is a gracious God!

Big ‘kudos’ for those of you that are already trying to put into practice things you learned this week. Remember, give the people in your lives time to adjust and don’t smother them with your new insights! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Counting it All Joy on our End!!!


P.S. I will finish our Love Commands later this week!

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