Friday, September 9, 2011

Reposting Our Weapons...

We know that those of you that get the blog via email and on Facebook were not able to see the video posted with yesterday's (9/8) blog. It did work on the regular Blogspot site but we don't want anyone to miss it so we are reposting the entire blog entry below with a link to the video instead of embedding it in hopes that you can enjoy it now.

This morning, as I write this blog, my mom and I are sitting in a hotel room just a little over an hour outside of Knoxville, TN headed to Williamsburg, VA to watch my godson’s wife run in her first Triathlon. I can’t wait to see them and be one of her cheerleaders!

Anyway, as I was preparing to have my quiet time I received a text from a counselee dealing with a difficult situation. After responding I set down to my quiet time and began reading God’s Word. One truth that burned in my heart from the reading is something I have found myself telling my counselee’s and friends a lot lately and that is we, as believers, cannot deal with life from a physical world view and walk victoriously! If our eyes are only on the physical we will crumble, be defeated, give in, give up, and give out! The enemy is out to destroy us! He doesn’t have to destroy lost people He already has them. But you and I he has to destroy because we are God’s tools for reaching them and proclaiming that JESUS IS THE HOPE OF THIS WORLD! Therefore, life is not going to get simpler. In fact, the very people we are trying to minister truth too most often are the very people the enemy uses to distract and overwhelm us, such as a spouse, child, sibling, parent, friend, etc.

I say all these things to encourage you and remind you we are in a battle daily! The enemy loves to lull us to sleep with no gun-fire for a season and then drop a grenade and or a missile! But we have the victory through the shed blood of Christ! Therefore, remember the words of 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 which says: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive everything to make it obedient to Christ.”

What are those weapons…check out Ephesians 6:10-20 (Spiritual Armor). In short, get dressed friends…..we are in a WAR!!!!!!!!

We have 43 women signed up for Peru as of today! It is so exciting to us to watch those slots fill up! The team continues to be in the prayer and preparation mode. It is so fun for me to watch the team starting to get excited. Give it about two more weeks and they will be like, “I can’t believe we are going to Peru to minister to missionary women.” Oh, wait, that is what I start saying about 4-6 weeks out! Ha,ha,ha,ha Anyway, please keep us in your prayer as we continue all the detail work of preparation. Also, do not miss out on an opportunity to be a part of this trip by giving towards helping sponsor the missionary women to attend the 4 day-3 night event free of charge to them. I wish all of you could experience what this opportunity means to them. Follow the link below for a video that will help you get a glance into what God desires to accomplish through the ministry of Pure Joy international from out trip two months ago to Costa Rica. Enjoy! (Tip - If the video doesn't play smoothly try pausing it and allow it to load for a few minutes then start playing again.)
And remember to pray, go, and give to missionaries all over the world!!!!

Love you all like crazy!!!
His, Vickie

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