Friday, July 15, 2011

Costa Rica Day #6 Recap

Today (Thursday) was a great day in the LORD.  The praise and worship was awesome, Janice taught a great message on forgiveness, Stacey shared her story about how God has worked in her life, and I was able to teach and counsel on marriage and parenting. During their free time many of the ladies did Zumba, others went shopping, or swam, and some took advantage of the time to catch up on reading. The meals have been great and the fellowship wonderful. We have done lots of laughing and crying together today. We also heard the group of ladies that are doing choir sing their first song and it was AWESOME!!!!  So God!

Please continue to pray for God’s Glory to come down on our time here!  Not only are the missionary lives being touched, we as a team are being touched too!

Long day…time for rest!


1 comment:

Jenny Stedman said...

It is so awesome to hear about all the prayer and hard work spent in preparation coming to fruition!

I'm looking forward to seeing you all when you get back!
