Monday, November 30, 2009

What's in a Name?

I’m going to list several names for you and then I want you to think about everything you know about that person; Tiger Woods, Hannah Montana, Elvis Presley, Madonna, and Billy Graham. I can promise you that for each person listed above, you know what they have done or do and you have an opinion about their character.

As we continue our breakdown of the Lord’s Prayer, we come to “Hallowed be thy Name”.

The word “Hallow” means to pronounce as Holy. In others words the “Names” of God are Holy because He is Holy. Then the “Names” themselves also tell of His attributes/character. I am going to give you some Names of God and you thing about what attributes/character traits come to mind. He is Almighty, Majestic, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Creator, Great Physician, etc.

So, now, let’s take our prayer to this point and see what it might look like as we are led by the Spirit to pray it out...

Our Father, Father to my brothers and sisters all around the world look upon us this day from the place of (in) Heaven above. Lord you know each one of us by name. The God who named the stars of heaven and would know if even one is missing, “Hallowed be thy Name”. Name above all names, Holy, Majestic, All knowing, All powerful, Every where present, we call on your name today. I call on you to accomplish your will through our lives as your children. LORD, shape us more each day into your character. Meet us where we are and take us to where we should go.

Next week we will look at “Thy kingdom come”. I pray that you are allowing the Spirit of God to direct you in your prayer as you pray through this Lord’s Prayer each week. If you allow the Spirit to move, you will not have to be concerned about being repetitious.

Yesterday, I had the sweet opportunity to address the church of FBC Paris, AR on the topic of missions. It was a sweet time with a sweet group of believers. I remind us all today that He commands us all to “Go”. Whether He is asking you to go across the street, across the state, to another state or the ends of the earth is between you and Him,but if we are to be obedient to the great commission we all must “go”.

Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day full of Thanksgiving! I would love to hear some laughable moments from some of you regarding the day. As we know, when families come together it is good for a laugh, or a cry!



Gale said...
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Gale said...

Here's a Heather, Abigale and I were driving south on I-35 Saturday night, Heather was talking with Nathan (who was in front of us in their car) via cell phone. Heather said, "We just passed IKEA." In a few minutes we heard Abi singing "IKEA was a wee little man and a wee little man was he...." ha ha ha