Monday, February 16, 2009

Food, Fun, and God At Work...

Yesterday we had a Tex-Mex lunch fundraiser at our home church FBC Morrilton, AR. Once again I got my mom and aunt in the middle of cooking. Pray for them because I suspect they've prayed God would move me into a different family system! Ha,ha,ha,ha

Then Mrs. Pat had to help you-know-who-here mix the brownie batter. Now, really that shouldn't be hard for a person who can read. So, why was that hard for me? I doubled the doubled recipe. (Don't ask!) Truth is, I should not be left alone in a kitchen situation!

Our (Mr. Ben, Mr. Wayne and myself) 4th-6th grade Sunday school class helped set up tables and were assigned to the tables as waiters and waitresses. They were so precious and cute and did a great job. Several of our ladies who have traveled with Pure Joy also helped prepare and helped with clean up afterwards. The church family was very generous and we raised a significant amount of money for our 'undisclosed' trip coming up in two weeks!

For those of you who are keeping record, my Uncle Charles is still killing me in Wii bowling. I'm only 20 games down as of yesterday. We played almost five hours straight. If this ever gets to the place where it feels like work I'm going to have to give it up. So far it is still just fun!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful time in your home churches yesterday. I want to encourage you to please make sure that you are a part of a local body of believers! I love to read Acts 2 and long for the day that the church today could possibly move in the truth of God's Word and the Spirit in such a fashion that the overflow would be similar to Acts 2.

Please pray, pray, pray for the things going on in the weeks and months ahead with trips!

Here are some images from our luncheon with the FBC Family - enjoy!


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