Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Monkeys Are Home (5 little monkeys jumping on the bed)…..

It is summer time and many moms and dads are aware of it! Ha,ha,ha

When we are overseas ministering to our missionary women, one of the things they share with us is the difficulty of being in a foreign land where you don’t know the language yet, you have no grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, etc., to help. Translated… you have your children 24/7 with no relief! And no matter how much you love your little darlings, all parents need relief! For yourself, your marriage, and your peace of mind! Ha,ha,ha And to be frankly honest, the kids need a break from the parents as well. Ha,ha,ha Especially if you are a home-schooling parent, everyone needs the break from each other.

Studies show that child abuse increases during the summer months due to added stressors in the family system, especially financial. Stress can lead to frustration, anger, and explosive behavior, which results in verbal abuse and physical abuse towards those we love. Let’s all pull together this summer by being aware of those families around us that need a break. It might be your own family. If you need a break, don’t be so proud as not to ask for help. Be aware of other families that need help by folding their children into a trip with your family to the park, a play morning or afternoon, a movie, etc.
We usually pick up my great nephew for taekwondo during the week on two afternoons. This past week, as I picked him up, it dawned on me to ask my niece if she would like us to take his baby sister, too. She is 18 months old. I told her I knew it was only for an hour and a half, but it would give her some time to herself to be still, get something done she wanted to get done, etc.
I share that to say you may not have time to help for an afternoon, but even an hour can make a difference. Also, remember to invite other kids to Vacation Bible School with your children and/or ask someone about Vacation Bible School at their church. And for all of you that are thinking people use Vacation Bible School, and summer camps as short-term baby sitters, you are right! Many do! Praise God! Many a child and young person have come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior through Vacation Bible School and camps. It literally has saved their life eternally. And honestly, that break for them and their parents may have saved some of their lives physically and emotionally.

So, keep on the watch these next 60 days and make a difference in a child’s and/or family’s life!

Have a great week!  Love you all!


P.S. Valencia, Spain is on the horizon! We begin this week looking seriously into hotel/resort locations. Online registration will open hopefully within the next 3-4 weeks if not sooner. I will alert you when you may register. Remember this conference is for missionary women serving cross-culturally.

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