Monday, May 2, 2011

Costa Rica 2011 …….Here We Come!

To all the ladies that have signed up for the Costa Rica trip you will be excited to know that your Costa Rica team is formed!  By next Monday you should be able to go to the web site and check us out!  Please be praying for your team as we are praying for you collectively and in our personal prayer times!

To those of you that are followers of Pure Joy, it is time to Rise Up and seek God on how He would like for you to be involved in this particular trip!  I love it that we get to journey with so many of you out there!  There are those of you that I still marvel at your commitment to help sponsor the ladies for these different retreats.   As I shared with you before, we have approximately 20 women sponsored out of the 50 that are coming.  So, let’s watch those numbers increase weekly starting with this week!  I get excited just thinking about the stories that will start coming in and the testimony of how HE works with fulfilling the ministry vision!  

I would be lying to you if I didn’t tell you that sometimes I think, “LORD, things are really kind of crazy and unsafe in this world and getting crazier.  The economy is crazy.  People are struggling at every level.  Are you really going to keep bringing women forward that their husbands will let go on these trips, and single women that go, and are You really going to keep putting it on people’s hearts to sponsor these missionary women and give of themselves regarding gifts, etc.,  LORD, are you?”  Yes!  It is His Vision! And HE will do it!    As long as single women, married women, married women with families are willing to GO share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in foreign lands,  Pure Joy will go!  Our theme for Costa Rica is “Give the World a Drink!”  We at Pure Joy want to go and fill up and refresh those women overseas so they can “Give the World a Drink” because that is what God has called them to do!   Satan would love for us to look at the world from a physical perspective but NO, we are NOT going to….We have been given Spiritual Eyesight and we won’t give up helping each other!  Some plant the seed, some water, some harvest!  Yet…..GOD GETS THE GLORY! 

Also, please remember all the families and individuals in need from the storms of this past week here in the South.  Lots of prayer needed, resources needed, helping hands needed, and for many, a Savior is Needed!  Pray that many will come to know Him in the middle of this destruction. 

Love you guys…..

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